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A. City Council will discuss or receive reports on the following current matters or projects.
(1) Review agenda items for regular meeting and attachments;
(2) Discuss Council Calendar options;
(3) Staff presentation - overview on Public Improvement District purpose, creation, approval and operation; and
(4) Consider future Agenda items and request reports from City Manager. _____________________________________________________________________
A. City Council will discuss or receive reports on the following current matters or projects.
(2) Discuss Council Calendar options;
(3) Staff presentation - overview on Public Improvement District purpose, creation, approval and operation; and
INVOCATION: Kevin Deckard, Polk Street Methodist Church
2. RESOLUTION - PUBLIC HEARING - PINNACLE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: Overview: This resolution conducts a public hearing and establishes a public improvement district to be located in the subdivisions known as "Pinnacle" in the vicinity of Bell Street, Hollywood Road/Loop 335 and South Western Street. This petition was submitted by Matt Griffith d/b/a Rockrose Development, LLC for residential and commercial/retail uses. This Public Improvement District is created to fund the construction and maintenance of certain right-of-way improvements such as landscaping, green areas and entry features throughout the subdivision.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION - TASCOSA ROAD AND RAVENWOOD DRIVE VICINITY: Overview: This item conducts a public hearing to gather comments for and against annexation of a 154.68 acre property situated west of the city limits, and located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Tascosa Road (also known as RM 1061) and Ravenwood Drive, and north of a westerly projection of Ravenwood Drive.
4. ACCEPTANCE - ACCEPTANCE - HIV PREVENTION GRANT: Grant Amount : $210,250 Grantor: Texas Department of State Health Services Overview: This item accepts the award from the Texas Department of State Health Services from January 1, 2018 thru December 31, 2018 to continue funding for the HIV Prevention Program in the public health department.
5. AWARD - CRADLEPOINT IN-VEHICLE ROUTERS FOR PD: Insight Public Sector, Inc. dba Insight Global Finance -- $167,248.90 Overview: This item is to approve the hardware lease that will replace 102 Cradlepoint In-Vehicle Routers for the police department.
6. AWARD - AWARD-CONTRACT FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF THE CEILING AND CANOPY AT THE CIVIC CENTER ENTRANCE #3 - TRI-STATE GENERAL CONTRACTING - $58,576: Overview: This item is for the removal and replacement of the ceiling and track portion of the canopy for the Civic Center at entrance #3, the damaged occurred during the wind and rain storm on 05/04/2017.
7. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 - BID NO. 5612, JOB # 521634: NE CARSON COUNTY WELLS 664 & 665: Original Contract: $ 1,908,878.00 Previous Change Orders: $ 0.00 Current Change Order: $372,039.06 Revised Contract: $2,280,917.06 Overview: This item approves Change Order # 1 to the contract with L.A. Fuller & Sons for additional work required on the project (JOB # 521634: Construction services for the construction of the electrical portion of the water wells and gate assemblies located in Carson County well field.)
8. AWARD - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH KSA ENGINEERS, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MANAGEMENT FOR HILLSIDE TERRACE ESTATES 30" SEWER REPLACEMENT CONTRACT 2 (PROJECT NO. 521943, RFQ #11-17) IN THE AMOUNT OF $477,500.00: Overview: This item is for the award of contract for construction services management to: 1) provide project management services, 2) resident project representative/inspector services, and 3) lab testing for construction materials.
9. AWARD OF CONTRACT JOB 530001 BID # RFQ-13-17 FY 2017-2021 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $230,400.00 FOR REYNOLDS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC: Overview: This item is to perform electrical engineering services in connection with the design of 24th St. Pump Station Switch Gear Replacement.
10. AWARD - PROJECT NO. 523058 - 30" WATER MAIN EXTENSION IN 34TH AVENUE & CR 34 FROM SONCY TANK TO HELIUM ROAD - WEST TEXAS UTILITY CONTRACTORS, INC. - $ 753,450.00: Overview: This item is to approve the contract for construction services for West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. to install a new, 30" water main.
11. APPROVAL - AMENDMENT NO. 2 - AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BRANDT ENGINEERS GROUP, LTD: Overview: This item is to include resident project representative (RPR) in scope of services. Increase in agreement of $245,100.00.
12. ACCEPTANCE - APPROVAL OF FAA AIP GRANT NO. 3-48-0007-042-2017: Overview: This item accepts the award with the Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Isolated Apron Panel Replacement capital improvement project at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport.
Aug 01, 2017 City Council Regular Meeting
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Full agenda
A. City Council will discuss or receive reports on the following current matters or projects.
(1) Review agenda items for regular meeting and attachments;
(2) Discuss Council Calendar options;
(3) Staff presentation - overview on Public Improvement District purpose, creation, approval and operation; and
(4) Consider future Agenda items and request reports from City Manager. _____________________________________________________________________
A. City Council will discuss or receive reports on the following current matters or projects.
(2) Discuss Council Calendar options;
(3) Staff presentation - overview on Public Improvement District purpose, creation, approval and operation; and
INVOCATION: Kevin Deckard, Polk Street Methodist Church
2. RESOLUTION - PUBLIC HEARING - PINNACLE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: Overview: This resolution conducts a public hearing and establishes a public improvement district to be located in the subdivisions known as "Pinnacle" in the vicinity of Bell Street, Hollywood Road/Loop 335 and South Western Street. This petition was submitted by Matt Griffith d/b/a Rockrose Development, LLC for residential and commercial/retail uses. This Public Improvement District is created to fund the construction and maintenance of certain right-of-way improvements such as landscaping, green areas and entry features throughout the subdivision.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION - TASCOSA ROAD AND RAVENWOOD DRIVE VICINITY: Overview: This item conducts a public hearing to gather comments for and against annexation of a 154.68 acre property situated west of the city limits, and located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Tascosa Road (also known as RM 1061) and Ravenwood Drive, and north of a westerly projection of Ravenwood Drive.
4. ACCEPTANCE - ACCEPTANCE - HIV PREVENTION GRANT: Grant Amount : $210,250 Grantor: Texas Department of State Health Services Overview: This item accepts the award from the Texas Department of State Health Services from January 1, 2018 thru December 31, 2018 to continue funding for the HIV Prevention Program in the public health department.
5. AWARD - CRADLEPOINT IN-VEHICLE ROUTERS FOR PD: Insight Public Sector, Inc. dba Insight Global Finance -- $167,248.90 Overview: This item is to approve the hardware lease that will replace 102 Cradlepoint In-Vehicle Routers for the police department.
6. AWARD - AWARD-CONTRACT FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF THE CEILING AND CANOPY AT THE CIVIC CENTER ENTRANCE #3 - TRI-STATE GENERAL CONTRACTING - $58,576: Overview: This item is for the removal and replacement of the ceiling and track portion of the canopy for the Civic Center at entrance #3, the damaged occurred during the wind and rain storm on 05/04/2017.
7. APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 - BID NO. 5612, JOB # 521634: NE CARSON COUNTY WELLS 664 & 665: Original Contract: $ 1,908,878.00 Previous Change Orders: $ 0.00 Current Change Order: $372,039.06 Revised Contract: $2,280,917.06 Overview: This item approves Change Order # 1 to the contract with L.A. Fuller & Sons for additional work required on the project (JOB # 521634: Construction services for the construction of the electrical portion of the water wells and gate assemblies located in Carson County well field.)
8. AWARD - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH KSA ENGINEERS, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MANAGEMENT FOR HILLSIDE TERRACE ESTATES 30" SEWER REPLACEMENT CONTRACT 2 (PROJECT NO. 521943, RFQ #11-17) IN THE AMOUNT OF $477,500.00: Overview: This item is for the award of contract for construction services management to: 1) provide project management services, 2) resident project representative/inspector services, and 3) lab testing for construction materials.
9. AWARD OF CONTRACT JOB 530001 BID # RFQ-13-17 FY 2017-2021 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $230,400.00 FOR REYNOLDS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC: Overview: This item is to perform electrical engineering services in connection with the design of 24th St. Pump Station Switch Gear Replacement.
10. AWARD - PROJECT NO. 523058 - 30" WATER MAIN EXTENSION IN 34TH AVENUE & CR 34 FROM SONCY TANK TO HELIUM ROAD - WEST TEXAS UTILITY CONTRACTORS, INC. - $ 753,450.00: Overview: This item is to approve the contract for construction services for West Texas Utility Contractors, Inc. to install a new, 30" water main.
11. APPROVAL - AMENDMENT NO. 2 - AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BRANDT ENGINEERS GROUP, LTD: Overview: This item is to include resident project representative (RPR) in scope of services. Increase in agreement of $245,100.00.
12. ACCEPTANCE - APPROVAL OF FAA AIP GRANT NO. 3-48-0007-042-2017: Overview: This item accepts the award with the Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Isolated Apron Panel Replacement capital improvement project at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport.
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