A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the orientation and regular meetings held on June 6, 2017.
B. Award - Construction Supplies Annual Contract:
Award to Lowes Home Centers in an estimated amount of $68,500.00
Overview: Construction Supplies Annual Contract awarded to Lowes Home Centers through The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Blanket Purchase Agreement R142104.
This award is to approve a contract for the purchase of Construction Supplies.
C. Award - Traffic Beads and Paint Annual Contract:
Brightlands Tech $ 22,384.00
Ennis Paint 104,250.00
Total Award $126,663.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Traffic Beads and Paint for the City of Amarillo.
A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the orientation and regular meetings held on June 6, 2017.
B. Award - Construction Supplies Annual Contract:
Award to Lowes Home Centers in an estimated amount of $68,500.00
Overview: Construction Supplies Annual Contract awarded to Lowes Home Centers through The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Blanket Purchase Agreement R142104.
This award is to approve a contract for the purchase of Construction Supplies.
C. Award - Traffic Beads and Paint Annual Contract:
Brightlands Tech $ 22,384.00
Ennis Paint 104,250.00
Total Award $126,663.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Traffic Beads and Paint for the City of Amarillo.