A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the orientation and regular meetings held on May 23, 2017.
B. Purchase - Pneumatic Roller:
Awarded to low bidder meeting specification:
Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. -- $83,589.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 12-Ton Articulated Self-Propelled Pneumatic Roller that has reached or exceeded usable life approved in the 2016/2017 scheduled replacement budgets.
C. Award - Sacked Cement Supply Agreement:
Awarded to:
Tascosa Brick $76,690.88
J. Lee Milligan, Inc. -- $1,429,471.05
Overview: This item is to award the bid contract for the 2016/2017 Milling and Overlay of Various Streets. Funding for this project was approved in the 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program.
A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the orientation and regular meetings held on May 23, 2017.
B. Purchase - Pneumatic Roller:
Awarded to low bidder meeting specification:
Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. -- $83,589.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a 12-Ton Articulated Self-Propelled Pneumatic Roller that has reached or exceeded usable life approved in the 2016/2017 scheduled replacement budgets.
C. Award - Sacked Cement Supply Agreement:
Awarded to:
Tascosa Brick $76,690.88
J. Lee Milligan, Inc. -- $1,429,471.05
Overview: This item is to award the bid contract for the 2016/2017 Milling and Overlay of Various Streets. Funding for this project was approved in the 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program.