B. Award - Ballistic Vests for Amarillo Police Department:
Nardis Public Safety -- $101,380.00
Overview: This award is to approve a purchase of ballistic vests for the City of Amarillo Police Department.
C. Award - Avaya Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunk Upgrade:
Converge One -- $56,497.71
Overview: This purchase will upgrade the Avaya phone system to utilize SIP trunks.
D. Award - Annual Contract for Advertising in the Amarillo Globe News:
Amarillo Globe News -- $104,163.56
Overview: This award covers the annual contract for the advertising in the local newspaper.
E. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement - STEP - Click it or Ticket:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $11,817.00
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2017 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources to fund patrol and enforcement of speed enforcement, occupant protection (seatbelt and child safety seats), distracted driving and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses.
F. Approval - WIC Nutrition Program Contract Amendment for FY2018:
FY2018 Award Not to Exceed: $1,568,445.00
Overview: The FY2017 Women, Infant, and Children's (WIC) Nutrition Program is a pass-through contract from the Department of State Health Services to the City of Amarillo for the period of October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments, medical and social services referrals, nutrition education and breastfeeding support.
G. Approval - Interlocal Agreement between the City of Amarillo, Texas and The Village of Timbercreek Canyon, Texas:
Overview: This interlocal agreement will provide review and building inspection services to The Village of Timbercreek Canyon, Texas on an as needed basis.
B. Award - Ballistic Vests for Amarillo Police Department:
Nardis Public Safety -- $101,380.00
Overview: This award is to approve a purchase of ballistic vests for the City of Amarillo Police Department.
C. Award - Avaya Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunk Upgrade:
Converge One -- $56,497.71
Overview: This purchase will upgrade the Avaya phone system to utilize SIP trunks.
D. Award - Annual Contract for Advertising in the Amarillo Globe News:
Amarillo Globe News -- $104,163.56
Overview: This award covers the annual contract for the advertising in the local newspaper.
E. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement - STEP - Click it or Ticket:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $11,817.00
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2017 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources to fund patrol and enforcement of speed enforcement, occupant protection (seatbelt and child safety seats), distracted driving and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses.
F. Approval - WIC Nutrition Program Contract Amendment for FY2018:
FY2018 Award Not to Exceed: $1,568,445.00
Overview: The FY2017 Women, Infant, and Children's (WIC) Nutrition Program is a pass-through contract from the Department of State Health Services to the City of Amarillo for the period of October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments, medical and social services referrals, nutrition education and breastfeeding support.
G. Approval - Interlocal Agreement between the City of Amarillo, Texas and The Village of Timbercreek Canyon, Texas:
Overview: This interlocal agreement will provide review and building inspection services to The Village of Timbercreek Canyon, Texas on an as needed basis.