A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held on May 9, 2017.
B. Lease Agreement for Limited Uses - Lease Agreements between the Amarillo Police Department and a local organization for the limited use of office space by the Neighborhood Police Officer Units:
Overview: This lease agreement for limited uses provides for office space in a designated neighborhood to be used by Amarillo Police Department for the Neighborhood Police Officer Units. These offices will be utilized for the purpose of general police activity, research, preparing reports, meetings with citizens, etc. The organization that has agreed to provide an office is: Eastridge Baptist Church.
C. Purchase - Landscaping Project for The Greenways Units #31 and #19:
Award to Green Plains Design -- $379,900.00
Overview: This item approves the contract for landscape, hardscape, and sidewalk improvements in Units #31 and #19 of The Greenways PID.
A. Minutes:
Overview: Approval of the City Council minutes of the regular meeting held on May 9, 2017.
B. Lease Agreement for Limited Uses - Lease Agreements between the Amarillo Police Department and a local organization for the limited use of office space by the Neighborhood Police Officer Units:
Overview: This lease agreement for limited uses provides for office space in a designated neighborhood to be used by Amarillo Police Department for the Neighborhood Police Officer Units. These offices will be utilized for the purpose of general police activity, research, preparing reports, meetings with citizens, etc. The organization that has agreed to provide an office is: Eastridge Baptist Church.
C. Purchase - Landscaping Project for The Greenways Units #31 and #19:
Award to Green Plains Design -- $379,900.00
Overview: This item approves the contract for landscape, hardscape, and sidewalk improvements in Units #31 and #19 of The Greenways PID.