A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Yellowhouse Machinery (121175) Lines 1,7,8 & 10 $529,900.00
Associated Supply Co. (16139) Lines 2,3,5 & 6 $237,025.00
Total Award $766,925.00
Overview: This item is for scheduled replacement of heavy equipment that has reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2016-2017 budget.
B. Award - Drainage Improvements at Southwest 10th Avenue and Lipscomb Street:
West Texas Utility Contractors -- $87,171.00
Overview: This item is to approve the contract for Drainage Improvements at Southwest 10th Avenue and Lipscomb Street. Replacing an inlet in Lipscomb Street, installing a new inlet in Southwest 10th Avenue and connecting to the storm sewer main in Lipscomb Street. Repairs to pavement including replacing an ADA ramp.
C. Award -- Utility Billing Contact Center Software:
Award to AT&T -- $55,442.00
Overview: This award is to approve a one-year contract amendment for the purchase of a Contact Center Software powered by inContact.
D. Approval - Emergency Replacement of a Sewer Main at 35th Avenue and Taylor Street Discharging into Lift Station #12:
Amarillo Utilities Contractors -- $355,000.00
Overview: This item is to approve the emergency replacement to the sewer main at 35th Avenue and Taylor Street.
A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Yellowhouse Machinery (121175) Lines 1,7,8 & 10 $529,900.00
Associated Supply Co. (16139) Lines 2,3,5 & 6 $237,025.00
Total Award $766,925.00
Overview: This item is for scheduled replacement of heavy equipment that has reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2016-2017 budget.
B. Award - Drainage Improvements at Southwest 10th Avenue and Lipscomb Street:
West Texas Utility Contractors -- $87,171.00
Overview: This item is to approve the contract for Drainage Improvements at Southwest 10th Avenue and Lipscomb Street. Replacing an inlet in Lipscomb Street, installing a new inlet in Southwest 10th Avenue and connecting to the storm sewer main in Lipscomb Street. Repairs to pavement including replacing an ADA ramp.
C. Award -- Utility Billing Contact Center Software:
Award to AT&T -- $55,442.00
Overview: This award is to approve a one-year contract amendment for the purchase of a Contact Center Software powered by inContact.
D. Approval - Emergency Replacement of a Sewer Main at 35th Avenue and Taylor Street Discharging into Lift Station #12:
Amarillo Utilities Contractors -- $355,000.00
Overview: This item is to approve the emergency replacement to the sewer main at 35th Avenue and Taylor Street.