(1) Section 551.074 - Discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, and qualifications of a public officer or employee, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(2) Sec.551.071 - Consult with Attorney about pending claim, resolution or settlement of same.
A. Purchase - Flexible Aggregate Base Material:
Award to low bidder meeting specifications: Thomas Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. -- $64,250.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for purchase of flexible aggregate base material used on a daily basis (weather permitting) for maintenance of unpaved streets and alleys throughout the City.
B. Purchase - Fire Truck, Grass and Wildland:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications:
Hall Buick GMC (Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $215,769.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck 5702, 2001 International Grass-Rig that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2016-2017 budgets.
C. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Overview: Award to OFS, Inc. for purchase of Ferrous Chloride as needed for an amount not to exceed $142,458.24.
D. Approval - Center City Tax Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Triple Play Partners, LLC:
Overview: This item approves a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually through 2036, as well as the reimbursement of $50,000 of public improvements associated with this project, for the redevelopment of the Firestone building into residential units at 1004 South Tyler Street.
E. Approval - Water Tower Lease Agreement:
Parties: Alltel Communications, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless and the City of Amarillo
Overview: This item approves a new lease. The lease site is located at 9401 Hillside Road (also known as the Hillside Water Tower.
(1) Section 551.074 - Discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, and qualifications of a public officer or employee, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(2) Sec.551.071 - Consult with Attorney about pending claim, resolution or settlement of same.
A. Purchase - Flexible Aggregate Base Material:
Award to low bidder meeting specifications: Thomas Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. -- $64,250.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for purchase of flexible aggregate base material used on a daily basis (weather permitting) for maintenance of unpaved streets and alleys throughout the City.
B. Purchase - Fire Truck, Grass and Wildland:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications:
Hall Buick GMC (Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $215,769.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck 5702, 2001 International Grass-Rig that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2016-2017 budgets.
C. Purchase - Liquid Ferrous Chloride:
Overview: Award to OFS, Inc. for purchase of Ferrous Chloride as needed for an amount not to exceed $142,458.24.
D. Approval - Center City Tax Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Triple Play Partners, LLC:
Overview: This item approves a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually through 2036, as well as the reimbursement of $50,000 of public improvements associated with this project, for the redevelopment of the Firestone building into residential units at 1004 South Tyler Street.
E. Approval - Water Tower Lease Agreement:
Parties: Alltel Communications, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless and the City of Amarillo
Overview: This item approves a new lease. The lease site is located at 9401 Hillside Road (also known as the Hillside Water Tower.