A. Award - Erection of 60 x 100 Steel Building, Construction of Safe Room, and Interior Finishes:
Panhandle Steel Buildings, Inc. -- $271,263.98
Overview: This is for the Police Department Storage Area: at 2401 Prairie Dog Lane.
B. Award - Asbestos Abatement Contract:
Intercon Environmental, Inc. -- $80,459.00
Overview: This item is for asbestos abatement in the old Coke building properties located at 700 South Johnson, 702 South Lincoln, and 708 South Lincoln.
C. Award - Purchase of Energy Efficient Lamp and Lighting Fixture Replacement for the Civic Center:
Facility Solutions Group -- $423,046.00
Overview: This item is the replacement of existing lighting systems with new LED and high efficiency florescent fixtures that meet the Federal standards.
A. Award - Erection of 60 x 100 Steel Building, Construction of Safe Room, and Interior Finishes:
Panhandle Steel Buildings, Inc. -- $271,263.98
Overview: This is for the Police Department Storage Area: at 2401 Prairie Dog Lane.
B. Award - Asbestos Abatement Contract:
Intercon Environmental, Inc. -- $80,459.00
Overview: This item is for asbestos abatement in the old Coke building properties located at 700 South Johnson, 702 South Lincoln, and 708 South Lincoln.
C. Award - Purchase of Energy Efficient Lamp and Lighting Fixture Replacement for the Civic Center:
Facility Solutions Group -- $423,046.00
Overview: This item is the replacement of existing lighting systems with new LED and high efficiency florescent fixtures that meet the Federal standards.