A. Award - Professional Engineering Services:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $2,499,500.00
Overview: This contract will design a sanitary sewer outfall line, a lift station, and force main.
B. Award - Purchase of NFPA Compliant Uniform Pants:
DACO Fire Equipment -- $77,500.00
Overview: This contract will establish a fixed cost for the purchase of uniform pants for fire department personnel.
C. Approval - Change Order No. 3 - Job No. 411044: Simms Municipal Building New Parking Lot and Streetscapes:
A & S General Contractors -- $66,730.80
Original Contract: $228,114.00
Change Order 1: $37,435.04 (previously approved)
Change Order 2: Additional Days No Charge (previously approved)
Change Order 3: $66,730.80
Total Change Orders: $104,165.84
Revised Contract: $332,279.84
Estimated Project Cost: $345,000.00
Percentage of change off original Estimated Costs 3.5%
Overview: This item approves Change Order No. 3 for A & S General Contractors for unknown work required after demolition and removal of the original Paved Parking Area.
D. Approval - Transit Master Plan and Management Systems Review:
The Goodman Corporation - $205,827.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement for Professional Services with The Goodman Corporation for the preparation of a Transit Master Plan and review of the current Management Systems and Regulatory Compliance associated with the operations of Amarillo City Transit. The Goodman Corporation was selected as the most qualified firm to provide the requested services through use of a competitive selection process.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: This item approves a License and Hold Harmless Agreement to maintain and use a certain encumbrance of surface in the right-of-way of 101 Southeast 11th Avenue, adjacent to Lot 7, Block 139, Plemons Unit No. 1, AB&M Survey, Potter County.
F. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of two 11.5' Public Utility/Drainage Easements, one .042 acre Storm/Sewer Drainage Easement and a 37' Street Dedication deed in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Surrey, Potter County, Texas in the vicinity of Point West Parkway and Outlook Drive.
A. Award - Professional Engineering Services:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $2,499,500.00
Overview: This contract will design a sanitary sewer outfall line, a lift station, and force main.
B. Award - Purchase of NFPA Compliant Uniform Pants:
DACO Fire Equipment -- $77,500.00
Overview: This contract will establish a fixed cost for the purchase of uniform pants for fire department personnel.
C. Approval - Change Order No. 3 - Job No. 411044: Simms Municipal Building New Parking Lot and Streetscapes:
A & S General Contractors -- $66,730.80
Original Contract: $228,114.00
Change Order 1: $37,435.04 (previously approved)
Change Order 2: Additional Days No Charge (previously approved)
Change Order 3: $66,730.80
Total Change Orders: $104,165.84
Revised Contract: $332,279.84
Estimated Project Cost: $345,000.00
Percentage of change off original Estimated Costs 3.5%
Overview: This item approves Change Order No. 3 for A & S General Contractors for unknown work required after demolition and removal of the original Paved Parking Area.
D. Approval - Transit Master Plan and Management Systems Review:
The Goodman Corporation - $205,827.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement for Professional Services with The Goodman Corporation for the preparation of a Transit Master Plan and review of the current Management Systems and Regulatory Compliance associated with the operations of Amarillo City Transit. The Goodman Corporation was selected as the most qualified firm to provide the requested services through use of a competitive selection process.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: This item approves a License and Hold Harmless Agreement to maintain and use a certain encumbrance of surface in the right-of-way of 101 Southeast 11th Avenue, adjacent to Lot 7, Block 139, Plemons Unit No. 1, AB&M Survey, Potter County.
F. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of two 11.5' Public Utility/Drainage Easements, one .042 acre Storm/Sewer Drainage Easement and a 37' Street Dedication deed in Section 43, Block 9, BS&F Surrey, Potter County, Texas in the vicinity of Point West Parkway and Outlook Drive.