A. Award - RFID Conversion Project for East and Northwest Branch Libraries:
East Branch: $25,233
Northwest Branch: $56,103
Total Award to Bibliotecha/3M: $81,336
Overview: This item awards the purchase of security and inventory management systems for the East and Northwest Branches of the Amarillo Public Library. The systems will provide enhanced customer service features and additional security for inventory protection. This purchase includes workstations, software, security gates and technical support. The systems will replace outdated systems that are no longer supported by the manufacturer and will be compatible with the one Bibliotecha/3M installed at Downtown Library.
B. Purchase - Oshkosh Runway Snow Brooms for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Purchased off of HGAC Buy Board
Federal Share: $1,236,454.00
Airport Share: $137,384.00
Total Costs $1,373,838.00
Overview: This item is for the purchase of two (2) Oshkosh Runway Snow Brooms H Chassis with ISL9 350 Snow Blower attachment for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The two snow blowers replace two (2) 1989 Oshkosh Runway Snow Blowers, both have reached the end of their useful life, and parts are obsolete.
C. Approval -- FAA AIP Grant No. 3-48-0007-40-2016, with the Federal Aviation Administration:
Overview: This grant provides for 90% funding of capital improvement program projects at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport.
D. Approval - High Service Vertical Turbine Pump:
Awarded to Ruhrpumpen Pump Company -- $52,372.00
Overview: This item is will purchase one High Service Vertical Turbine Pump for River Road Waste Water Treatment Plant.
E. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement - STEP Comprehensive Grant:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $168,424.80
Match Amount: $221,249.15
Total Awarded: $389,673.95
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2017 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources to fund patrol and enforcement of speed enforcement, occupant protection (seatbelt and child safety seats), distracted driving and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses.
A. Award - RFID Conversion Project for East and Northwest Branch Libraries:
East Branch: $25,233
Northwest Branch: $56,103
Total Award to Bibliotecha/3M: $81,336
Overview: This item awards the purchase of security and inventory management systems for the East and Northwest Branches of the Amarillo Public Library. The systems will provide enhanced customer service features and additional security for inventory protection. This purchase includes workstations, software, security gates and technical support. The systems will replace outdated systems that are no longer supported by the manufacturer and will be compatible with the one Bibliotecha/3M installed at Downtown Library.
B. Purchase - Oshkosh Runway Snow Brooms for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Purchased off of HGAC Buy Board
Federal Share: $1,236,454.00
Airport Share: $137,384.00
Total Costs $1,373,838.00
Overview: This item is for the purchase of two (2) Oshkosh Runway Snow Brooms H Chassis with ISL9 350 Snow Blower attachment for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The two snow blowers replace two (2) 1989 Oshkosh Runway Snow Blowers, both have reached the end of their useful life, and parts are obsolete.
C. Approval -- FAA AIP Grant No. 3-48-0007-40-2016, with the Federal Aviation Administration:
Overview: This grant provides for 90% funding of capital improvement program projects at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport.
D. Approval - High Service Vertical Turbine Pump:
Awarded to Ruhrpumpen Pump Company -- $52,372.00
Overview: This item is will purchase one High Service Vertical Turbine Pump for River Road Waste Water Treatment Plant.
E. Acceptance - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant Agreement - STEP Comprehensive Grant:
Grantor: Texas Department of Transportation
Grant Amount: $168,424.80
Match Amount: $221,249.15
Total Awarded: $389,673.95
Overview: This item accepts the Fiscal Year 2017 Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant. The Texas Department of Transportation provides funding to the Amarillo Police Department to focus additional resources to fund patrol and enforcement of speed enforcement, occupant protection (seatbelt and child safety seats), distracted driving and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) offenses.