A. Award - Downtown Lights and Poles:
Techline Inc. -- $89,152.00
Overview:This award is to approve the purchase of the Downtown Lights and Poles.
B. Award - Purchase of Ice Resurfacer for Civic Center Complex Coliseum:
Lowest Responding Bidder: Complete Ice Arena Services -- $93,898.59
Overview:This is a scheduled replacement for the existing Ice Resurfacer that is currently in use at the Civic Center Complex for maintaining the ice surface throughout the hockey season and for traveling ice shows. The current Ice Resurfacer is 18 years old and has been refurbished multiple times. Funding for this award is available in the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Fund for the Civic Center Complex.
C. Award - Fleet Services RFP P11-16 Fleet Parts and Supply Management:
Awarded to the best and final proposer: Napa-IBS, Parts Headquarters, Inc.:
Overview:This award will be utilized by Fleet Services and operated as an in-house parts supplier.
D. Award - Southeast 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $60,712.00
Overview:This item is to approve the contract for the Emergency Repair of Southeast 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement. This project will replace damaged storm sewer in Southeast 3rd Avenue and repairs damage to the street due to a previously abandoned storm sewer. Funding for this project was approved utilizing the Drainage Utility Fund.
E. Approval -- Employment Contract:
Overview:This item approves an employment contract with Terry Childers, Interim City Manager as an independent contractor.
F. Approval - Professional Services Agreement - Addendum #3 Engineering Services - Project #521725 Arden Road Pipeline and Pump Station Improvements:
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Overview:This item approves Addendum #3 to a June 5, 2013 Agreement for Engineering Services to perform additional engineering services to evaluate options for increasing Chlorine Contact Time, coordinate with TCEQ, to select the most beneficial alternative, design the clearwell baffle system/and required piping and sampling modifications, supply contractor procurement assistance and provide construction and engineering services to meet TCEQ requirements for additional water transfer. The current contract and this addendum meet the requirements of the Texas Water Development Board Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program (DWSRF). This addendum provides for the continuation of services by HDR, Inc. at a lump sum cost not to exceed $178,150.00.
A. Award - Downtown Lights and Poles:
Techline Inc. -- $89,152.00
Overview:This award is to approve the purchase of the Downtown Lights and Poles.
B. Award - Purchase of Ice Resurfacer for Civic Center Complex Coliseum:
Lowest Responding Bidder: Complete Ice Arena Services -- $93,898.59
Overview:This is a scheduled replacement for the existing Ice Resurfacer that is currently in use at the Civic Center Complex for maintaining the ice surface throughout the hockey season and for traveling ice shows. The current Ice Resurfacer is 18 years old and has been refurbished multiple times. Funding for this award is available in the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Fund for the Civic Center Complex.
C. Award - Fleet Services RFP P11-16 Fleet Parts and Supply Management:
Awarded to the best and final proposer: Napa-IBS, Parts Headquarters, Inc.:
Overview:This award will be utilized by Fleet Services and operated as an in-house parts supplier.
D. Award - Southeast 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $60,712.00
Overview:This item is to approve the contract for the Emergency Repair of Southeast 3rd Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement. This project will replace damaged storm sewer in Southeast 3rd Avenue and repairs damage to the street due to a previously abandoned storm sewer. Funding for this project was approved utilizing the Drainage Utility Fund.
E. Approval -- Employment Contract:
Overview:This item approves an employment contract with Terry Childers, Interim City Manager as an independent contractor.
F. Approval - Professional Services Agreement - Addendum #3 Engineering Services - Project #521725 Arden Road Pipeline and Pump Station Improvements:
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Overview:This item approves Addendum #3 to a June 5, 2013 Agreement for Engineering Services to perform additional engineering services to evaluate options for increasing Chlorine Contact Time, coordinate with TCEQ, to select the most beneficial alternative, design the clearwell baffle system/and required piping and sampling modifications, supply contractor procurement assistance and provide construction and engineering services to meet TCEQ requirements for additional water transfer. The current contract and this addendum meet the requirements of the Texas Water Development Board Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program (DWSRF). This addendum provides for the continuation of services by HDR, Inc. at a lump sum cost not to exceed $178,150.00.