A. Purchase - Wavetronix Radar Detection: Purchased off of State Contract 550-A2:
Twincrest Technologies -- $71,830.00
Overview: This item is purchased for the addition and replacement of Traffic detection at 8 intersections, 2 new Intersections and 2 replacements of old outdated Video Detection. The Radar detection picks up the movement of vehicles approaching the intersection and inputs a call to the controller to give a green light.
B. Purchase - Pipe Fusing Machine:
HD Supply Water Works -- $65,913.08
Overview: This item is a budget approved addition to the Fleet. Addition approved in the 2015-2016 budgets. This award will be used by the Waste Water Collection department for daily operations. This bid represents a first time purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Fleet Services Machinery General Budget.
C. Award - Oils and Greases Annual Contract:
Griffin Oil -- $ 118,721.14
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Oils and Greases.
D. Award - Medical Supplies Annual Contract:
Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance (MMCAP) -- $155,579.32
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Medical Supplies.
E. Approval - Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Safety Management Systems:
Overview: This item approves a FAA AIP Grant No. 3-48-0007-41-2016 with the Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Safety Management Systems (SMS) Part 139 program development services.
F. Approval - Change Order Nos. 2 and 3 - Job 521984: Water Main Replacements in Morningside/Plemons and Miscellaneous Subdivisions:
Original Contract: $600,156.00
Previous Change Orders: Days Only
Change Order No. 2: $32,678.63
Change Order No. 3: $70,080.00
Total Change Orders: $102,758.63
Revised Contract: $702,914.63
Percent of Changes: 17.2%
Overview: This item approves Change Order Nos. 2 and 3 to the contract with Roberts Ditching, LLC, for a change in work required on Job 521984.
G. Approval -- Federal Department of Transportation, Small Community Air Service Development Grant, (SCASD) FAIN: DOT-OST-2016-0037-0003, Purchase Order: 2616007SC, Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Overview: This grant provides up to $750,000 funds to provide a Minimum revenue guarantee (MRG) program to recruit, initiate, and support new daily service between the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA) and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). There is a $150,000 local match component.
A. Purchase - Wavetronix Radar Detection: Purchased off of State Contract 550-A2:
Twincrest Technologies -- $71,830.00
Overview: This item is purchased for the addition and replacement of Traffic detection at 8 intersections, 2 new Intersections and 2 replacements of old outdated Video Detection. The Radar detection picks up the movement of vehicles approaching the intersection and inputs a call to the controller to give a green light.
B. Purchase - Pipe Fusing Machine:
HD Supply Water Works -- $65,913.08
Overview: This item is a budget approved addition to the Fleet. Addition approved in the 2015-2016 budgets. This award will be used by the Waste Water Collection department for daily operations. This bid represents a first time purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Fleet Services Machinery General Budget.
C. Award - Oils and Greases Annual Contract:
Griffin Oil -- $ 118,721.14
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Oils and Greases.
D. Award - Medical Supplies Annual Contract:
Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance (MMCAP) -- $155,579.32
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Medical Supplies.
E. Approval - Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Safety Management Systems:
Overview: This item approves a FAA AIP Grant No. 3-48-0007-41-2016 with the Federal Aviation Administration for 90% funding of the Safety Management Systems (SMS) Part 139 program development services.
F. Approval - Change Order Nos. 2 and 3 - Job 521984: Water Main Replacements in Morningside/Plemons and Miscellaneous Subdivisions:
Original Contract: $600,156.00
Previous Change Orders: Days Only
Change Order No. 2: $32,678.63
Change Order No. 3: $70,080.00
Total Change Orders: $102,758.63
Revised Contract: $702,914.63
Percent of Changes: 17.2%
Overview: This item approves Change Order Nos. 2 and 3 to the contract with Roberts Ditching, LLC, for a change in work required on Job 521984.
G. Approval -- Federal Department of Transportation, Small Community Air Service Development Grant, (SCASD) FAIN: DOT-OST-2016-0037-0003, Purchase Order: 2616007SC, Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Overview: This grant provides up to $750,000 funds to provide a Minimum revenue guarantee (MRG) program to recruit, initiate, and support new daily service between the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA) and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). There is a $150,000 local match component.