A. Approval -- Task Order #17, Runway 13-31 and Associated Taxiways:
Overview: Joint Seal Replacement, Design + Bid, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total of $54,700 ($49,230 FAA, $5,470 local funds).
B. Approval of Task Order #15, AMA Apron - Isolated Panel Replacement:
Overview: Design + Bid, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total cost of $124,500 ($112,050 from FAA, $12,450 local funds).
C. Approval of Task Order #14, Safety Management Systems (SMS):
Overview: Part 139 program development services, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total cost of $299,400 ($269,460 FAA, $29,940 local funds).
D. Approval - Addendum One (1) - Job #521109: River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Storm Water Basin Lining and Rehabilitation of Primary Clarifiers 2, 3 and 4:
Original Contract: $339,200.00
Current Addendum: $292,500.00
Revised Contract Total: $631,700.00
Overview: This item is to approve Addendum One (1) to the Professional Service Agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. to allow for additional engineering services and construction services as outlined in the addendum.
E. Approval - Change Order Two (2) - Job #521109: River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Storm Water Basin Lining and Rehabilitation of Primary Clarifiers 2, 3 and 4:
Original contract: $2,638,609.00
Previous Change Order: $82,144.00
Current Change Order #2: $20,774.00
Revised Contract Total: $2,741,527.00
Overview; This item is to approve Change Order Two (2) to the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plan rehabilitation project as outlined in the change order.
F. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
G. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the installation of marquee sign in the right-of-way of 15th Avenue and Coulter Street, adjacent to Lot 1, Block 4, Ridgeview Medical Center Unit 23, Potter County, Texas.
A. Approval -- Task Order #17, Runway 13-31 and Associated Taxiways:
Overview: Joint Seal Replacement, Design + Bid, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total of $54,700 ($49,230 FAA, $5,470 local funds).
B. Approval of Task Order #15, AMA Apron - Isolated Panel Replacement:
Overview: Design + Bid, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total cost of $124,500 ($112,050 from FAA, $12,450 local funds).
C. Approval of Task Order #14, Safety Management Systems (SMS):
Overview: Part 139 program development services, with RS&H, Inc. for the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport for a total cost of $299,400 ($269,460 FAA, $29,940 local funds).
D. Approval - Addendum One (1) - Job #521109: River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Storm Water Basin Lining and Rehabilitation of Primary Clarifiers 2, 3 and 4:
Original Contract: $339,200.00
Current Addendum: $292,500.00
Revised Contract Total: $631,700.00
Overview: This item is to approve Addendum One (1) to the Professional Service Agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. to allow for additional engineering services and construction services as outlined in the addendum.
E. Approval - Change Order Two (2) - Job #521109: River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Storm Water Basin Lining and Rehabilitation of Primary Clarifiers 2, 3 and 4:
Original contract: $2,638,609.00
Previous Change Order: $82,144.00
Current Change Order #2: $20,774.00
Revised Contract Total: $2,741,527.00
Overview; This item is to approve Change Order Two (2) to the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plan rehabilitation project as outlined in the change order.
F. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easements:
G. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the installation of marquee sign in the right-of-way of 15th Avenue and Coulter Street, adjacent to Lot 1, Block 4, Ridgeview Medical Center Unit 23, Potter County, Texas.