A. Purchase - Heavy Trucks:
Awarded to low bidder meeting specification:
Premier Truck Group - $101,439.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a heavy truck that has reach or exceeded usable life approved in the 2015-2016 replacement budget.
B. Award - Top Dress Sand Annual Contract:
Texas Sand and Gravel -- $66,000.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of top dress sand for the City of Amarillo.
C. Acceptance - Pantex Plant Agreement-In-Principle Amendment No. 7 to Contract No. CP1205:
Overview: This item is acceptance of Amendment No. 7 to Contract CP1205 from the State Energy Conservation Office in the additional amount of $50,650.00.
D. Acceptance - FY2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant:
Overview: This item is acceptance of the FY2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Texas Division of Emergency Management in the amount of $65,906.20.
E. Approval - Lease for Landfill Compactor:
Awarded to evaluated bidder meeting specification through BuyBoard Contract:
Warren Cat -- $14,186.00 per month
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Landfill Compactor Unit 7254, 2010 Cat Landfill Compactor. Equipment has reached or exceeded usable life approved in the 2015-2016 replacement budget. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Fleet Services Equipment Fund.
A. Purchase - Heavy Trucks:
Awarded to low bidder meeting specification:
Premier Truck Group - $101,439.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of a heavy truck that has reach or exceeded usable life approved in the 2015-2016 replacement budget.
B. Award - Top Dress Sand Annual Contract:
Texas Sand and Gravel -- $66,000.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of top dress sand for the City of Amarillo.
C. Acceptance - Pantex Plant Agreement-In-Principle Amendment No. 7 to Contract No. CP1205:
Overview: This item is acceptance of Amendment No. 7 to Contract CP1205 from the State Energy Conservation Office in the additional amount of $50,650.00.
D. Acceptance - FY2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant:
Overview: This item is acceptance of the FY2016 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Texas Division of Emergency Management in the amount of $65,906.20.
E. Approval - Lease for Landfill Compactor:
Awarded to evaluated bidder meeting specification through BuyBoard Contract:
Warren Cat -- $14,186.00 per month
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Landfill Compactor Unit 7254, 2010 Cat Landfill Compactor. Equipment has reached or exceeded usable life approved in the 2015-2016 replacement budget. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Fleet Services Equipment Fund.