A. Award - Agreement for Professional Engineering Services:
Award to J. Shehan Engineering, P.C. -- $204,280.00
Overview: This agreement is for professional engineering services to include all meetings, coordination in the vicinity of the Woodlands development area, submittal review, and all items necessary to complete the design per the City of Amarillo requirements. The professional engineering services will also include expertise necessary for the preparation of bidding documents, in the form of plans and specifications for the evaluation, design and construction of the water and sewer system.
B. Purchase - Fire Truck Pumper Style:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications
Hall Buick GMC (Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $510,147.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck #6227, a 2005 American LaFrance Pumper that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2016-2017 budgets. This award will be used by the City of Amarillo Fire Department for daily operational requirements.
C. Consideration and Approval of an Economic Development Project in Support of the Development an Economic Development Strategic Plan:
Overview: This item requests approval of an Economic Development project in support of the development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan. Specifically, the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation is requesting approval of expenditure of up to $87,125 in support of the development of the plan. This represents one-half of the cost of professional services in the development of the plan as outlined in the agreement between the City of Amarillo, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation and Avalanche Consulting, Inc. and the related scope of services.
This item will be presented at the November 8, 2016 Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors meeting.
D. Award of Professional Services Agreement for Consulting Services Associated with the Development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan:
Avalanche Consulting, Inc. -- $174,250 ($166,250 for services, plus $8,000 for reimbursement expenses)
Overview: This item requests approval of an agreement for professional services with Avalanche Consulting, Inc. for the development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan. This plan will provide a comprehensive and strategic framework for the City, other economic development partners, and private business interests in the community to assist in the economic growth of the community. If approved the planning process will begin in December and is expected to conclude in June 2017 with major deliverables in early and mid-2017. The full scope of services is attached to and incorporated by reference the agreement.
The cost of the services is being shared by the City and the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation.
E. Approval - Change Order No. 1 - Job #521725: Arden Road 36" Transmission Pipeline & Pump Station Improvements:
Original Contract: $13,879,793.32
Current Change Order: $186,716.00
Revised Contract Total: $14,066,509.32
Overview: This item is to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with SJ Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd. for additional work.
A. Award - Agreement for Professional Engineering Services:
Award to J. Shehan Engineering, P.C. -- $204,280.00
Overview: This agreement is for professional engineering services to include all meetings, coordination in the vicinity of the Woodlands development area, submittal review, and all items necessary to complete the design per the City of Amarillo requirements. The professional engineering services will also include expertise necessary for the preparation of bidding documents, in the form of plans and specifications for the evaluation, design and construction of the water and sewer system.
B. Purchase - Fire Truck Pumper Style:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications
Hall Buick GMC (Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $510,147.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck #6227, a 2005 American LaFrance Pumper that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2016-2017 budgets. This award will be used by the City of Amarillo Fire Department for daily operational requirements.
C. Consideration and Approval of an Economic Development Project in Support of the Development an Economic Development Strategic Plan:
Overview: This item requests approval of an Economic Development project in support of the development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan. Specifically, the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation is requesting approval of expenditure of up to $87,125 in support of the development of the plan. This represents one-half of the cost of professional services in the development of the plan as outlined in the agreement between the City of Amarillo, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation and Avalanche Consulting, Inc. and the related scope of services.
This item will be presented at the November 8, 2016 Amarillo Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors meeting.
D. Award of Professional Services Agreement for Consulting Services Associated with the Development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan:
Avalanche Consulting, Inc. -- $174,250 ($166,250 for services, plus $8,000 for reimbursement expenses)
Overview: This item requests approval of an agreement for professional services with Avalanche Consulting, Inc. for the development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan. This plan will provide a comprehensive and strategic framework for the City, other economic development partners, and private business interests in the community to assist in the economic growth of the community. If approved the planning process will begin in December and is expected to conclude in June 2017 with major deliverables in early and mid-2017. The full scope of services is attached to and incorporated by reference the agreement.
The cost of the services is being shared by the City and the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation.
E. Approval - Change Order No. 1 - Job #521725: Arden Road 36" Transmission Pipeline & Pump Station Improvements:
Original Contract: $13,879,793.32
Current Change Order: $186,716.00
Revised Contract Total: $14,066,509.32
Overview: This item is to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with SJ Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd. for additional work.