A. Purchase - Asphaltic Cement Specialized Petroleum Products:
Heartland Asphalt Materials, Inc. -- $558,509.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5) used for the summer sealcoating program of the City's residential streets. The material is sprayed on the street surface prior to laying pre-coated aggregate. The AC-5 bonds the aggregate to the surface of the roadway creating a new driving surface and extending the life of the street.
B. Award - 2015/2016 Milling and Overlay of Various Streets:
C. Award - Handheld Chemical & Explosives Identification Unit:
Fisher Scientific Company, LLC -- $110,000.00
Overview: This award is to approve the purchase of Thermo Scientific TruDefender FTX handheld chemical and explosives identification FTIR analyzer for the City of Amarillo Fire Department.
D. Award - Law Enforcement Training Course:
A-T Solutions, A PAE Company -- $54,740.40
Overview: This award is to approve the contract with A-T Solutions, Inc. to provide the CA-053-RESP Bomb Squad SWAT Interoperability Training Course for the City of Amarillo Police Department.
E. Approval - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Overview: This item authorizes submission of a $10,502.00 grant to the Texas Transportation Commission for a "Click it or Ticket" campaign in May and June 2016. The grant will reimburse the Police Department for overtime costs associated with targeted enforcement activities related to seat belts use.
A. Purchase - Asphaltic Cement Specialized Petroleum Products:
Heartland Asphalt Materials, Inc. -- $558,509.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5) used for the summer sealcoating program of the City's residential streets. The material is sprayed on the street surface prior to laying pre-coated aggregate. The AC-5 bonds the aggregate to the surface of the roadway creating a new driving surface and extending the life of the street.
B. Award - 2015/2016 Milling and Overlay of Various Streets:
C. Award - Handheld Chemical & Explosives Identification Unit:
Fisher Scientific Company, LLC -- $110,000.00
Overview: This award is to approve the purchase of Thermo Scientific TruDefender FTX handheld chemical and explosives identification FTIR analyzer for the City of Amarillo Fire Department.
D. Award - Law Enforcement Training Course:
A-T Solutions, A PAE Company -- $54,740.40
Overview: This award is to approve the contract with A-T Solutions, Inc. to provide the CA-053-RESP Bomb Squad SWAT Interoperability Training Course for the City of Amarillo Police Department.
E. Approval - Texas Traffic Safety Program Grant:
Overview: This item authorizes submission of a $10,502.00 grant to the Texas Transportation Commission for a "Click it or Ticket" campaign in May and June 2016. The grant will reimburse the Police Department for overtime costs associated with targeted enforcement activities related to seat belts use.