A. Award - Property and Casualty Insurance Program:
Award to Neely, Craig, and Walton -- $477,492.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Property and Casualty Insurance. This award has the option to be renewed for two additional one-year periods.
B. Award - Safety Footwear Program:
The Work Boot -- $92,500.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Safety Footwear Program for the City of Amarillo.
C. Award of Contract - Agreement for Engineering Services -- $580,500.00:
KSA Engineering -- $580,500.00
Overview: This item is for the design of water wells, pipelines and appurtenances in the Potter County well field.
D. Purchase - Mowers, Carts and Various Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Western Equipment LLC - Lines 1, 4, 7 & 14 $147,552.00
James Bros. Implement Co. - Line 2 49,776.00
Medley Material Handling Inc. - Line 3 58,291.18
Professional Turf Products Inc. - Lines 5, 6,11 &15 208,067.67
JBR Farmer's Equipment LLC - Line 13 12,097.00
C & M Golf and Grounds Equipment - Lines 9, 10 & 16 138,186.00
Austin Turf & Tractor - Line 8 54,126.84
Total Award $668,096.69
Overview: This item is for scheduled replacement of mowers, carts and various equipment that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2015-2016 budget.
E. Approval - Emergency Management Interlocal Assistance between City of Amarillo and Armstrong County:
Overview: The Emergency Management Interlocal Assistance Agreement is for the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide Armstrong County with emergency management support as outlined in the agreement. Both the City of Amarillo and Armstrong County participate in the Pantex Plant Agreement In-Principle (AIP) grant program. The City's Technical Hazards Coordinator, funded through the AIP grant program, will be assigned to provide the requested emergency management support to Armstrong County, on an as needed basis.
A. Award - Property and Casualty Insurance Program:
Award to Neely, Craig, and Walton -- $477,492.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Property and Casualty Insurance. This award has the option to be renewed for two additional one-year periods.
B. Award - Safety Footwear Program:
The Work Boot -- $92,500.00
Overview: This award is to approve an annual contract for the purchase of Safety Footwear Program for the City of Amarillo.
C. Award of Contract - Agreement for Engineering Services -- $580,500.00:
KSA Engineering -- $580,500.00
Overview: This item is for the design of water wells, pipelines and appurtenances in the Potter County well field.
D. Purchase - Mowers, Carts and Various Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Western Equipment LLC - Lines 1, 4, 7 & 14 $147,552.00
James Bros. Implement Co. - Line 2 49,776.00
Medley Material Handling Inc. - Line 3 58,291.18
Professional Turf Products Inc. - Lines 5, 6,11 &15 208,067.67
JBR Farmer's Equipment LLC - Line 13 12,097.00
C & M Golf and Grounds Equipment - Lines 9, 10 & 16 138,186.00
Austin Turf & Tractor - Line 8 54,126.84
Total Award $668,096.69
Overview: This item is for scheduled replacement of mowers, carts and various equipment that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2015-2016 budget.
E. Approval - Emergency Management Interlocal Assistance between City of Amarillo and Armstrong County:
Overview: The Emergency Management Interlocal Assistance Agreement is for the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide Armstrong County with emergency management support as outlined in the agreement. Both the City of Amarillo and Armstrong County participate in the Pantex Plant Agreement In-Principle (AIP) grant program. The City's Technical Hazards Coordinator, funded through the AIP grant program, will be assigned to provide the requested emergency management support to Armstrong County, on an as needed basis.