A. Award of Contract - Agreement For Audit Services:
Connor, McMillon, Mitchell and Shennum, PLLC -- $140,885
This agreement for audit services with Connor, McMillon, Mitchell and Shennum, PLLC is for a one-year contract with two one-year extensions.
B. Award --- Meter Reader Handheld Devices:
HD Supply Waterworks -- $86,260.00
This award is to approve the purchase of meter reader handheld devices for the City of Amarillo Utility Billing Department.
C. Award -- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Laboratory Administration:
Awarded to Perkin Elmer LAS Inc. -- $177,892.60
This is a replacement for a laboratory instrument which is 18 years old. The instrument is used to analyze low trace metals in Drinking Water, Wastewater, and many City Departments. The instrument is also used to support several State TCEQ Permits.
D. Purchase - Truck with Dual Rear Wheels and Aerial Manlift:
Silsbee Ford -- $59,498.00
This item is an unscheduled replacement of unit 7309, 2011 Ford 1-ton Aerial Truck that was involved in an accident on 10/27/2015 that has been totaled. Replacement approved in the 2015-2016 budgets. This award will be used by the Traffic Field Operation department for daily operations. This bid represents a 13% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Budget.
E. Approval - Amendment #2, Lease Agreement: Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Lessee: CNS , LLC - Pantex Plant
Term: 5 year term (final option of original lease agreement)
Lease Info: Three buildings plus ground lease for total leased premises of 143,244 square feet.
This item approves Amendment #2 for three buildings and ground lease for leased premises at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The amendment represents a 5.5% increase in lease revenues to the Airport.
A. Award of Contract - Agreement For Audit Services:
Connor, McMillon, Mitchell and Shennum, PLLC -- $140,885
This agreement for audit services with Connor, McMillon, Mitchell and Shennum, PLLC is for a one-year contract with two one-year extensions.
B. Award --- Meter Reader Handheld Devices:
HD Supply Waterworks -- $86,260.00
This award is to approve the purchase of meter reader handheld devices for the City of Amarillo Utility Billing Department.
C. Award -- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer for Laboratory Administration:
Awarded to Perkin Elmer LAS Inc. -- $177,892.60
This is a replacement for a laboratory instrument which is 18 years old. The instrument is used to analyze low trace metals in Drinking Water, Wastewater, and many City Departments. The instrument is also used to support several State TCEQ Permits.
D. Purchase - Truck with Dual Rear Wheels and Aerial Manlift:
Silsbee Ford -- $59,498.00
This item is an unscheduled replacement of unit 7309, 2011 Ford 1-ton Aerial Truck that was involved in an accident on 10/27/2015 that has been totaled. Replacement approved in the 2015-2016 budgets. This award will be used by the Traffic Field Operation department for daily operations. This bid represents a 13% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Budget.
E. Approval - Amendment #2, Lease Agreement: Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Lessee: CNS , LLC - Pantex Plant
Term: 5 year term (final option of original lease agreement)
Lease Info: Three buildings plus ground lease for total leased premises of 143,244 square feet.
This item approves Amendment #2 for three buildings and ground lease for leased premises at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. The amendment represents a 5.5% increase in lease revenues to the Airport.