A. Purchase - Fire Truck, Grass and Wildland:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications:
Hall Buick GMC ( Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $213,569.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck 5701, 2001 International Grass-Rig that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2015-2016 budget. This award will be used by the City of Amarillo Fire Department for daily operational requirements.
B. Award - Outdoor Warning Sirens:
Federal Sign Corporation - $76,340.00
Overview: This item is for the purchase of four (4) Federal Signal 508 outdoor warning sirens with controllers and metal poles. Project will add a new siren in the area of Hillside and Coulter and replace three (3) existing sirens at 10th Avenue and Roberts, Lee Elementary and Avondale School. Installation services will be bid separately.
C. Award - Electrical System Components:
B&D Industries, Inc. -- $259,765.35
Overview: This contract is replacement of electrical system components at a sanitary sewer lift station, including upgrades to the building to meet current code requirements.
D. Award - Water and Sewer Relocations:
Brandt Engineers Corp. -- $411,829.00
Overview: This contract is for professional engineering services to design the water and sewer main relocations for the TxDOT expansion project on Hollywood Road (Loop 335) from Bell Street to Soncy Road.
E. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Award to Roscoe Wiley -- $120,597.00
Property at: 607 North Monroe Street
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a multi-family unit at 607 North Monroe Street. Of the $241,194 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $120,597 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $120,597 of project funding.
F. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Award to: Jason Lamons -- $128,580.00
Property at: 3501 Southeast 21st Avenue
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a multi-family unit at 3501 Southeast 21st Avenue. Of the $257,160 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $128,580 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $128,580 of project funding.
G. Approval - Engineering Services Agreement for Planning and Design Services:
Parkhill Smith & Cooper (PS&C) - $192,270.00
($247,032 if inclusion of optional Task 3)
Overview: This Engineering Services Agreement provides for preparation of a 5-year Strategic Plan for development of landfill disposal cells 10 and 11, airspace consumption, drainage, alternative daily cover, tire disposal, final cover and gas management. Additionally a second contract task provides for construction documents for expansion of landfill cell 10. An optional task in the agreement provides construction phase services to the City during the bidding and construction of Landfill Cell 10 expansion.
A. Purchase - Fire Truck, Grass and Wildland:
Award using HGAC Contract meeting specifications:
Hall Buick GMC ( Ferrara Fire Apparatus Dealer) -- $213,569.00
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of Fire Truck 5701, 2001 International Grass-Rig that has reached or exceeded useable life approved in the 2015-2016 budget. This award will be used by the City of Amarillo Fire Department for daily operational requirements.
B. Award - Outdoor Warning Sirens:
Federal Sign Corporation - $76,340.00
Overview: This item is for the purchase of four (4) Federal Signal 508 outdoor warning sirens with controllers and metal poles. Project will add a new siren in the area of Hillside and Coulter and replace three (3) existing sirens at 10th Avenue and Roberts, Lee Elementary and Avondale School. Installation services will be bid separately.
C. Award - Electrical System Components:
B&D Industries, Inc. -- $259,765.35
Overview: This contract is replacement of electrical system components at a sanitary sewer lift station, including upgrades to the building to meet current code requirements.
D. Award - Water and Sewer Relocations:
Brandt Engineers Corp. -- $411,829.00
Overview: This contract is for professional engineering services to design the water and sewer main relocations for the TxDOT expansion project on Hollywood Road (Loop 335) from Bell Street to Soncy Road.
E. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Award to Roscoe Wiley -- $120,597.00
Property at: 607 North Monroe Street
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a multi-family unit at 607 North Monroe Street. Of the $241,194 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $120,597 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $120,597 of project funding.
F. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Award to: Jason Lamons -- $128,580.00
Property at: 3501 Southeast 21st Avenue
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a multi-family unit at 3501 Southeast 21st Avenue. Of the $257,160 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $128,580 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $128,580 of project funding.
G. Approval - Engineering Services Agreement for Planning and Design Services:
Parkhill Smith & Cooper (PS&C) - $192,270.00
($247,032 if inclusion of optional Task 3)
Overview: This Engineering Services Agreement provides for preparation of a 5-year Strategic Plan for development of landfill disposal cells 10 and 11, airspace consumption, drainage, alternative daily cover, tire disposal, final cover and gas management. Additionally a second contract task provides for construction documents for expansion of landfill cell 10. An optional task in the agreement provides construction phase services to the City during the bidding and construction of Landfill Cell 10 expansion.