A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Warren Cat - Lines 1,10 $ 96,701.33
Associated Supply Co. Case (350467) - Line 3 $ 36,875.00
Associated Supply Co. (116139) - Lines 4,5,6,7,8,11 $915,008.00
Yellowhouse Machinery - Line 9 $233,160.00
Total Award $1,281,762.33
This item is for scheduled replacement of Heavy Equipment that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2015-2016 budget. The award consists of heavy equipment that will be used by the following departments: Park Maintenance, Street Department, Water Distribution, Waste Water Collection, and Drainage Utility. This bid represents an overall 3% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Municipal Garage Machinery General Budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $840,385.40
This item awards a contract to Amarillo Utility Contractors for the replacement of a 12' water main with a 16" water main in Southwest 45th Avenue form Western Street to Interstate-27.
A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications below:
Warren Cat - Lines 1,10 $ 96,701.33
Associated Supply Co. Case (350467) - Line 3 $ 36,875.00
Associated Supply Co. (116139) - Lines 4,5,6,7,8,11 $915,008.00
Yellowhouse Machinery - Line 9 $233,160.00
Total Award $1,281,762.33
This item is for scheduled replacement of Heavy Equipment that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2015-2016 budget. The award consists of heavy equipment that will be used by the following departments: Park Maintenance, Street Department, Water Distribution, Waste Water Collection, and Drainage Utility. This bid represents an overall 3% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2015-2016 Municipal Garage Machinery General Budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $840,385.40
This item awards a contract to Amarillo Utility Contractors for the replacement of a 12' water main with a 16" water main in Southwest 45th Avenue form Western Street to Interstate-27.