A. Approval - WIC Contract:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,698,837.00
Overview: This item approves a WIC Nutrition Program FY 2016 contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
B. Approval - Center City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Lofts on 10th Avenue:
Overview: This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement with Mays, Inc. for the Lofts on 10th Avenue redevelopment project located at 202 Southwest 10 Avenue. The agreement is for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually for a term of ten (10) years. The development includes seven (7) second floor residential units and ground level retail space. This project is consistent with the goals of the Downtown Strategic Acton Plan and recommended for approval by the TIRZ #1 Board of Directors. The agreement was presented to the Potter County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2016 for their review and comment.
C. Approval - Center City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Double R Lofts:
Overview: This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement with Lofty, LLC for Double R Lofts redevelopment project located at 705 South Grant Street. The agreement is for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually for a term of twenty (20) years. The development will result in the conversion of a warehouse into 25 residential units. This project is consistent with the goals of the Downtown Strategic Acton Plan and recommended for approval by the TIRZ #1 Board of Directors. The agreement was presented to the Potter County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2016 for their review and comment.
A. Approval - WIC Contract:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,698,837.00
Overview: This item approves a WIC Nutrition Program FY 2016 contract from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
B. Approval - Center City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Lofts on 10th Avenue:
Overview: This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement with Mays, Inc. for the Lofts on 10th Avenue redevelopment project located at 202 Southwest 10 Avenue. The agreement is for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually for a term of ten (10) years. The development includes seven (7) second floor residential units and ground level retail space. This project is consistent with the goals of the Downtown Strategic Acton Plan and recommended for approval by the TIRZ #1 Board of Directors. The agreement was presented to the Potter County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2016 for their review and comment.
C. Approval - Center City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement for Double R Lofts:
Overview: This item authorizes the City Manager to execute a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Developer Agreement with Lofty, LLC for Double R Lofts redevelopment project located at 705 South Grant Street. The agreement is for the reimbursement of 90% of the annual ad valorem tax increment from the participating taxing jurisdictions generated annually for a term of twenty (20) years. The development will result in the conversion of a warehouse into 25 residential units. This project is consistent with the goals of the Downtown Strategic Acton Plan and recommended for approval by the TIRZ #1 Board of Directors. The agreement was presented to the Potter County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2016 for their review and comment.