A. Purchase - Paper Goods:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Wagner Supply Co. $113,400.00
Lines 3, 5, 6, 8
Empire Paper Company 5,452.70
Lines 4, 9
Miller Paper Co. 6,735.90
Lines 2, 4, 9
LD Supply Co. 1,062.00
Line 7
Mayfield Paper Co. 507.00
Line 1
Total Award $127,157.60
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of paper goods for use by various City departments and in public buildings. Included in this contract are cups, hand towels, toilet tissue, Kleenex and other paper items. This contract is a 4.07% increase from the current one. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2015/2016 Central Stores Department operating budget.
B. Award - Golf Carts:
Award to low responsive bidder: Club Car North Texas Branch -- $99,129.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of golf carts for the Ross Rogers Golf Complex. The equipment will replace units which have exceeded their useful life. The overall purchase represents a 7% increase in cost from the last purchases. Funding is available from the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.
C. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Project Owner: TLCBS, LLC
Total Project Cost -- $127,545.52
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a single-family rent home at 311 South Independence Street. Of the $127,545.52 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $63,772.76 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant - Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $63,772.76 of project funding. This Community Development funding is from federal funds allocated to the City for this purpose.
D. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Project Owner: TLCBS, LLC
Total Project Cost -- $176,815.00
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a duplex family rent home at 506 South Bryan Street. Of the $176,815.00 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $96,815 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant - Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $80,000 of project funding. This Community Development funding is from federal funds allocated to the City for this purpose.
E. Approval - Change Order No. 3 - Rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road to Coulter Street:
Original Contract: $2,071,210.00
Previous Change Orders: $35.52
Current Change Order: reduction in liquidated damage days $ 142,250.90
For a total of change orders $ 142,286.42
Revised Contract: $ 2,231.496.42
Overview: This item approves Change Order No. 3 to the contract with L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, Co. Ltd. for work performed on the rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road (Loop 335) to Coulter Street. The change order is to pay for repair work to the roadway that became necessary prior to the road being fully opened and accepted. Funding for this change order is available in the approved Engineering Department Capital Improvements Program
A. Purchase - Paper Goods:
Award to low responsive bidders by line item as follows:
Wagner Supply Co. $113,400.00
Lines 3, 5, 6, 8
Empire Paper Company 5,452.70
Lines 4, 9
Miller Paper Co. 6,735.90
Lines 2, 4, 9
LD Supply Co. 1,062.00
Line 7
Mayfield Paper Co. 507.00
Line 1
Total Award $127,157.60
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of paper goods for use by various City departments and in public buildings. Included in this contract are cups, hand towels, toilet tissue, Kleenex and other paper items. This contract is a 4.07% increase from the current one. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2015/2016 Central Stores Department operating budget.
B. Award - Golf Carts:
Award to low responsive bidder: Club Car North Texas Branch -- $99,129.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of golf carts for the Ross Rogers Golf Complex. The equipment will replace units which have exceeded their useful life. The overall purchase represents a 7% increase in cost from the last purchases. Funding is available from the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.
C. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Project Owner: TLCBS, LLC
Total Project Cost -- $127,545.52
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a single-family rent home at 311 South Independence Street. Of the $127,545.52 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $63,772.76 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant - Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $63,772.76 of project funding. This Community Development funding is from federal funds allocated to the City for this purpose.
D. Approval - Rental Housing Rehabilitation Project:
Project Owner: TLCBS, LLC
Total Project Cost -- $176,815.00
Overview: This is approval of a rental housing rehabilitation project to renovate a duplex family rent home at 506 South Bryan Street. Of the $176,815.00 total cost for this project, the project owner will provide $96,815 of the funding. The City Community Development Block Grant - Home Rental Rehabilitation Program will provide the remainder or $80,000 of project funding. This Community Development funding is from federal funds allocated to the City for this purpose.
E. Approval - Change Order No. 3 - Rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road to Coulter Street:
Original Contract: $2,071,210.00
Previous Change Orders: $35.52
Current Change Order: reduction in liquidated damage days $ 142,250.90
For a total of change orders $ 142,286.42
Revised Contract: $ 2,231.496.42
Overview: This item approves Change Order No. 3 to the contract with L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, Co. Ltd. for work performed on the rehabilitation of Southwest 34th Avenue from Soncy Road (Loop 335) to Coulter Street. The change order is to pay for repair work to the roadway that became necessary prior to the road being fully opened and accepted. Funding for this change order is available in the approved Engineering Department Capital Improvements Program