A. Award - Storage Building at the Amarillo Municipal Shooting Complex:
Award to Rod Bowers Construction - $123,000.00
Overview: This item awards the contract to construct a storage building at the Amarillo Municipal Shooting Complex. This project is a partnership between the City of Amarillo and NRA Foundation/Friends of the NRA, with the NRA Foundation donating $53,772.40 toward the total cost of the project. The remainder of the funding for this project is within the approved Storage Complex Project Account within the Facilities Department budget.
B. Award - Water Main Improvements:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $292,465.79
Overview: This item awards a contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the extension of a water main at Georgia Street and Farmers Avenue, replacement of a water main at Interstate 27 and 27th Avenue, replacement of a water main in the Hayden Street/Hughes Street alley and replacement of a sanitary sewer main in the Hayden Street/Hughes Street alley. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Capital Improvements Budget.
C. Award - Kronos Timekeeping Maintenance, Technical Support and Online Training:
Kronos Incorporated -- $70,021.87
Overview: This item awards a contract with Kronos Incorporated for renewal of timekeeping maintenance, technical support and online training services associated with the City's timekeeping system. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Leased Computer Hardware Account.
D. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
LA Fuller & Sons -- $165,122.00
Overview: This item awards a contract with LA Fuller & Sons for the installation of a new water main along Hillside Road as necessitated by continued development in the area. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Capital Improvements Extensions and Improvements Budget.
E. Approval - Change Orders (4) and (5) - Soncy Road Sanitary Sewer Main:
Original Contract: $2,952,715.00
Previous Change Orders: $98,360.00
Current Change Orders: Change Order (4) $6,800.00 and Change Order (5) $28,996.00 for a total of $35,796.00
Revised Contract: $3,086,871.00
Overview: This item approves Change Orders (4) and (5) to the contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for work performed on the sanitary sewer main placement west of Soncy Road. The change orders are a result of changed conditions. Thus far in the project total change orders result in a 4.5% increase in the total project costs. Funding for these change orders is available in the original project budget which is within the Department's approved Capital Improvements Budget.
F. Approval - Sanitary Sewer Line Video Agreement:
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation to permit Atmos and their subcontractor Pipe View America, to access and video record City sanitary sewer mains and private lateral connections to those mains for the purpose of avoiding damaging either in the conduct of directional drilling activities by Atmos and their subcontractors.
G. Approval - Amendment 1 to Agreement for Engineering Services for Lift Station 32 Design:
Kiley Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $694,960.24
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the agreement for Engineering Services with Kimley Horn and Associates for the continued design of Lift Station #32 and associated sanitary sewer mains and components. Kimley Horn and Associates was selected in 2013 via a Request for Qualifications process as the most qualified firm to provide the necessary engineering services associated with the planning and design of Lift Station #32. The original design is nearing completion and due to continued development interests in the area, staff feels it necessary to expand the scope of the project to include the design of additional sanitary sewer mains and to secure technical assistance in the preparation of the loan application with the Texas Water Development Board. It is anticipated the total project construction costs will exceed $15 Million. Funding for this agreement is available in the Department's Capital Improvements budget.
A. Award - Storage Building at the Amarillo Municipal Shooting Complex:
Award to Rod Bowers Construction - $123,000.00
Overview: This item awards the contract to construct a storage building at the Amarillo Municipal Shooting Complex. This project is a partnership between the City of Amarillo and NRA Foundation/Friends of the NRA, with the NRA Foundation donating $53,772.40 toward the total cost of the project. The remainder of the funding for this project is within the approved Storage Complex Project Account within the Facilities Department budget.
B. Award - Water Main Improvements:
Amarillo Utility Contractors -- $292,465.79
Overview: This item awards a contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the extension of a water main at Georgia Street and Farmers Avenue, replacement of a water main at Interstate 27 and 27th Avenue, replacement of a water main in the Hayden Street/Hughes Street alley and replacement of a sanitary sewer main in the Hayden Street/Hughes Street alley. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Capital Improvements Budget.
C. Award - Kronos Timekeeping Maintenance, Technical Support and Online Training:
Kronos Incorporated -- $70,021.87
Overview: This item awards a contract with Kronos Incorporated for renewal of timekeeping maintenance, technical support and online training services associated with the City's timekeeping system. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Leased Computer Hardware Account.
D. Award - Water Distribution Improvements:
LA Fuller & Sons -- $165,122.00
Overview: This item awards a contract with LA Fuller & Sons for the installation of a new water main along Hillside Road as necessitated by continued development in the area. Funding for this contract is available in the Department's approved Capital Improvements Extensions and Improvements Budget.
E. Approval - Change Orders (4) and (5) - Soncy Road Sanitary Sewer Main:
Original Contract: $2,952,715.00
Previous Change Orders: $98,360.00
Current Change Orders: Change Order (4) $6,800.00 and Change Order (5) $28,996.00 for a total of $35,796.00
Revised Contract: $3,086,871.00
Overview: This item approves Change Orders (4) and (5) to the contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for work performed on the sanitary sewer main placement west of Soncy Road. The change orders are a result of changed conditions. Thus far in the project total change orders result in a 4.5% increase in the total project costs. Funding for these change orders is available in the original project budget which is within the Department's approved Capital Improvements Budget.
F. Approval - Sanitary Sewer Line Video Agreement:
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation to permit Atmos and their subcontractor Pipe View America, to access and video record City sanitary sewer mains and private lateral connections to those mains for the purpose of avoiding damaging either in the conduct of directional drilling activities by Atmos and their subcontractors.
G. Approval - Amendment 1 to Agreement for Engineering Services for Lift Station 32 Design:
Kiley Horn and Associates, Inc. -- $694,960.24
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the agreement for Engineering Services with Kimley Horn and Associates for the continued design of Lift Station #32 and associated sanitary sewer mains and components. Kimley Horn and Associates was selected in 2013 via a Request for Qualifications process as the most qualified firm to provide the necessary engineering services associated with the planning and design of Lift Station #32. The original design is nearing completion and due to continued development interests in the area, staff feels it necessary to expand the scope of the project to include the design of additional sanitary sewer mains and to secure technical assistance in the preparation of the loan application with the Texas Water Development Board. It is anticipated the total project construction costs will exceed $15 Million. Funding for this agreement is available in the Department's Capital Improvements budget.