A. Purchase - Site Amenities for the Colonies Unit 63:
Award to Green Plains Design -- $509,000.00
Overview: This item approves the contract for construction of a masonry fence and landscaping along Hillside Road. Green Plains Design was the lowest responsive bidder on the project. The Developer, Rockrose Development, LLC will fund the initial construction of the project and will be reimbursed through the Colonies Improvement Account. The project and contract have been recommended for approval by the Colonies PID Advisory Board.
B. Award - City Health Plan Stop Loss Insurance Coverage:
Award to best evaluated proposer - QBE Insurance Corporation as proposed by Maxor Administrative Services
Amount: $352,998.00
Initial Term - 14 months
Overview: This item awards a contract to provide stop-loss insurance coverage for the City of Amarillo Group Health Plan. Stop-loss coverage protects the City's self-funded Health Plan from large claims by covering any claims in excess of $750,000 per member. Funding for this contract is available in the approved Self Insurance Fund budget.
C. Award - City of Amarillo Dental Insurance Administrative Services Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Aetna Life Insurance Company - $163,176.00
Term: Three years with up to two (2) one-year renewals
Overview: This item awards a contract to Aetna Life Insurance Company to administer the City of Amarillo Dental Insurance plan. This contract is for a base term of three-years and includes two (2), one-year optional renewals upon mutual consent. The three-year price above is based on an administrative fee per covered life per month. Funding for this contract is available through the City self-funded dental plan with all expenses covered by premiums from participating employees. There is no subsidization of the dental plan with City funds. The proposed contact will result in increased network discounts, allowances and guarantees and integrated claims administration through the Aetna Life Insurance Company.
D. Approval - Interim City Attorney Engagement Agreement - Amendment:
Parties - City of Amarillo and McKamie Krueger, LLP
Terms and Conditions - as noted
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the engagement agreement between the City of Amarillo and McKamie Krueger, LLP for the provision of personal services as Interim City Attorney. The proposed amendment extends the time of service under this agreement under the same terms and conditions of the original engagement agreement
E. Approval - Change Order - River Road Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation:
Original Contract: $2,638,609.00
Current Change Order: $ 82,144.00
Revised Contract: $2,720,753.00
Overview: This item approves change order number one (1) to the contract with Brown Construction Services. This is the rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers and the change order is necessary to replace the existing 24" concrete drain pipe between the basin and the lift station at the River Road Water Reclamation Plant. This change order represents a 3% change to the original contract amount. Funding for this project is available in two approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budgets, the River Road Line Storm Water Basin and River Road Replacement Primary Clarifier.
F. Approval - Electrical Service Contract - Carson County Well Field:
Award to Southwestern Public Service Company - $222,635.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Southwestern Public Service Company to provide the necessary electrical service to the new City Wells 664 and 665 in the Carson County Well field. Funding for this contract is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
G. Approval - Change Orders 1 and 2 - Simms Municipal Building Construction Contract:
Original Contract Amount: $4,284,494.00
Change Order 1: $ 39,395.00
Change Order 2: $ 16,230.00
Revised Contract Amount: $4,340,119.00
Overview: This item approves change orders number 1 and 2 to the contract with Southwest General Contractors for the renovations at the Simms Municipal Building. Change order 1 is necessary due to items identified after the completion of demolition activities and change order number two is necessary to provide an additional partition on the first floor. The total value of the change orders is $55,625.00 and represents a 1.25% increase in the total cost of the project. Funding for these change orders is in the approved project budget.
H. Approval - City Manager Employment Agreement - Amendment:
Parties - City of Amarillo and W. Jarrett Atkinson
Terms and Conditions - as noted
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the employment agreement between the City of Amarillo and W. Jarrett Atkinson per the Council action on October 20, 2015.
I. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the encumbrance of an existing private masonry security fence within the public alley of Block 237, Holland Addition, in Section 156, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County.
A. Purchase - Site Amenities for the Colonies Unit 63:
Award to Green Plains Design -- $509,000.00
Overview: This item approves the contract for construction of a masonry fence and landscaping along Hillside Road. Green Plains Design was the lowest responsive bidder on the project. The Developer, Rockrose Development, LLC will fund the initial construction of the project and will be reimbursed through the Colonies Improvement Account. The project and contract have been recommended for approval by the Colonies PID Advisory Board.
B. Award - City Health Plan Stop Loss Insurance Coverage:
Award to best evaluated proposer - QBE Insurance Corporation as proposed by Maxor Administrative Services
Amount: $352,998.00
Initial Term - 14 months
Overview: This item awards a contract to provide stop-loss insurance coverage for the City of Amarillo Group Health Plan. Stop-loss coverage protects the City's self-funded Health Plan from large claims by covering any claims in excess of $750,000 per member. Funding for this contract is available in the approved Self Insurance Fund budget.
C. Award - City of Amarillo Dental Insurance Administrative Services Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Aetna Life Insurance Company - $163,176.00
Term: Three years with up to two (2) one-year renewals
Overview: This item awards a contract to Aetna Life Insurance Company to administer the City of Amarillo Dental Insurance plan. This contract is for a base term of three-years and includes two (2), one-year optional renewals upon mutual consent. The three-year price above is based on an administrative fee per covered life per month. Funding for this contract is available through the City self-funded dental plan with all expenses covered by premiums from participating employees. There is no subsidization of the dental plan with City funds. The proposed contact will result in increased network discounts, allowances and guarantees and integrated claims administration through the Aetna Life Insurance Company.
D. Approval - Interim City Attorney Engagement Agreement - Amendment:
Parties - City of Amarillo and McKamie Krueger, LLP
Terms and Conditions - as noted
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the engagement agreement between the City of Amarillo and McKamie Krueger, LLP for the provision of personal services as Interim City Attorney. The proposed amendment extends the time of service under this agreement under the same terms and conditions of the original engagement agreement
E. Approval - Change Order - River Road Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation:
Original Contract: $2,638,609.00
Current Change Order: $ 82,144.00
Revised Contract: $2,720,753.00
Overview: This item approves change order number one (1) to the contract with Brown Construction Services. This is the rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers and the change order is necessary to replace the existing 24" concrete drain pipe between the basin and the lift station at the River Road Water Reclamation Plant. This change order represents a 3% change to the original contract amount. Funding for this project is available in two approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budgets, the River Road Line Storm Water Basin and River Road Replacement Primary Clarifier.
F. Approval - Electrical Service Contract - Carson County Well Field:
Award to Southwestern Public Service Company - $222,635.00
Overview: This item approves an agreement with Southwestern Public Service Company to provide the necessary electrical service to the new City Wells 664 and 665 in the Carson County Well field. Funding for this contract is available in the approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
G. Approval - Change Orders 1 and 2 - Simms Municipal Building Construction Contract:
Original Contract Amount: $4,284,494.00
Change Order 1: $ 39,395.00
Change Order 2: $ 16,230.00
Revised Contract Amount: $4,340,119.00
Overview: This item approves change orders number 1 and 2 to the contract with Southwest General Contractors for the renovations at the Simms Municipal Building. Change order 1 is necessary due to items identified after the completion of demolition activities and change order number two is necessary to provide an additional partition on the first floor. The total value of the change orders is $55,625.00 and represents a 1.25% increase in the total cost of the project. Funding for these change orders is in the approved project budget.
H. Approval - City Manager Employment Agreement - Amendment:
Parties - City of Amarillo and W. Jarrett Atkinson
Terms and Conditions - as noted
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the employment agreement between the City of Amarillo and W. Jarrett Atkinson per the Council action on October 20, 2015.
I. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for the encumbrance of an existing private masonry security fence within the public alley of Block 237, Holland Addition, in Section 156, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County.