A. Award - City Crew Uniform Rental Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: G&K Services -- $387,550.20
Overview: This item is the award of a three-year contract to provide work uniforms for City crews. The requested purchase will provide five uniforms per week and associated cleaning, repair, replacement and delivery services to City workers. The award price reflects the total cost of this contract over three-years. Funding for this award is in the using Department's 2015/2016 annual operating budget.
B. Award - Landscape Maintenance and Mowing Contract for Greenways Public Improvement District:
Award to: Ramirez Lawn & Sprinkler - base fee of $107,927.00
Overview: This item awards a 3-year contract with two one-year options to perform landscape maintenance, mowing, edging and trimming for the Greenways Public Improvement District (PID). All funds for this contract will be payable from the PID and will not require any City funds. This contract is recommended for approval by the Greenways Public Improvement District Board of Directors.
C. Purchase - Microsoft Licenses on Enterprise Agreement:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: SHI Government Solutions - $154,341.70
Overview: This item approves the purchase of citywide product licenses on a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement which will allow for upgrade rights to the latest version of the designated software licenses. The Enterprise Agreement is more cost effective than individual purchases and provides for the purchase of these licenses over a three-year period. Funding for this purchase is available in the Information Technology Capital Budget Project for the Microsoft Licensing True Ups-Software Purchase.
D. Approval - Change Order #1 for Georgia Street Interceptor Sewer Main Project:
Parties: Spiess Construction Co. and City of Amarillo
Original Contract: $4,889,331.00
Current Change Order #1 50,061.74
Revised Contract: $4,939,392.74
Net Increase: 1%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract with Spiess Construction Co. for the Georgia Street Interceptor. A funding request has been submitted to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for approval to fund this change order with remaining funds from the TWDB loan.
E. Approval - Temporary License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: A Temporary License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Lot 1A, Block 110, Plemons Addition, Unit 17, Potter County, for airspace right-of-way for operation of a construction crane over Southeast 7th Avenue and Southeast 8th Avenue.
A. Award - City Crew Uniform Rental Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: G&K Services -- $387,550.20
Overview: This item is the award of a three-year contract to provide work uniforms for City crews. The requested purchase will provide five uniforms per week and associated cleaning, repair, replacement and delivery services to City workers. The award price reflects the total cost of this contract over three-years. Funding for this award is in the using Department's 2015/2016 annual operating budget.
B. Award - Landscape Maintenance and Mowing Contract for Greenways Public Improvement District:
Award to: Ramirez Lawn & Sprinkler - base fee of $107,927.00
Overview: This item awards a 3-year contract with two one-year options to perform landscape maintenance, mowing, edging and trimming for the Greenways Public Improvement District (PID). All funds for this contract will be payable from the PID and will not require any City funds. This contract is recommended for approval by the Greenways Public Improvement District Board of Directors.
C. Purchase - Microsoft Licenses on Enterprise Agreement:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: SHI Government Solutions - $154,341.70
Overview: This item approves the purchase of citywide product licenses on a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement which will allow for upgrade rights to the latest version of the designated software licenses. The Enterprise Agreement is more cost effective than individual purchases and provides for the purchase of these licenses over a three-year period. Funding for this purchase is available in the Information Technology Capital Budget Project for the Microsoft Licensing True Ups-Software Purchase.
D. Approval - Change Order #1 for Georgia Street Interceptor Sewer Main Project:
Parties: Spiess Construction Co. and City of Amarillo
Original Contract: $4,889,331.00
Current Change Order #1 50,061.74
Revised Contract: $4,939,392.74
Net Increase: 1%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract with Spiess Construction Co. for the Georgia Street Interceptor. A funding request has been submitted to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for approval to fund this change order with remaining funds from the TWDB loan.
E. Approval - Temporary License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: A Temporary License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Lot 1A, Block 110, Plemons Addition, Unit 17, Potter County, for airspace right-of-way for operation of a construction crane over Southeast 7th Avenue and Southeast 8th Avenue.