A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to best value bid: Ditch Witch (under contract) -- $291,353.37
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a horizontal directional drilling machine. This item is a budgeted purchase to enhance the capabilities of the City to perform line replacements and installation with limited surface disruptions. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage General Machinery Fund.
B. Purchasing - Microsoft Licenses:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: SHI Government Solutions -- $83,010.40
Overview: This item approves the purchase of citywide product licenses on a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement which will acquire perpetual software licenses, upgrade rights and lock-in prices to spread the purchase cost over a three year period. Funding for this purchase is included in the Information Technology Operating Budget.
C. Award - Landscape Maintenance and Mowing Contract for Greenways Public Improvement District:
Award to: Ramirez Lawn & Sprinkler - base fee of $107,927
Overview: This item awards a 3-year contract with a 2-year options to perform landscape maintenance, mowing, edging and trimming for the Greenways Public Improvement District (PID). All funds for this contract will be payable from the PID and will not require any City funds. This contract is recommended for approval by the Greenways Public Improvement District Board of Directors.
D. Approval - Continuum of Care Grant Agreements:
Granting Agency: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2014 Continuum of Care Program Grants -- $772,766.00
Overview: This item approves the FY 2014 Continuum of Care grant agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the continuation of the following programs:
Permanent Housing Program (Shelter Plus Care) -- $367,044
Provides rental assistance to homeless persons with disabilities and their families, primarily, those with serious mental illness or chronic problems with alcohol or drugs. Case management is provided by Texas Panhandle Centers.
Supportive Housing Program (Transitional Housing) -- $314,634
Provides rental assistance to homeless families with children referred from shelters and community agencies. Supportive services and case management is provided by Downtown Women's Center.
Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) -- $91,088
Provides the software licenses and annual service support for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a computerized data management and collection software system required for the provision of services.
E. Approval - Annual JDE Support Renewal:
Awarded to: Oracle -- $120,818.08
Overview: This item represents the proposed annual software support and maintenance renewal for the existing JD Edwards software applications. JD Edwards is the business management software suite used by the City to collect, process and manage data related to financing, accounting, purchasing, human resources, inventory and work order processing. Funding for this purchase is included in the Information Technology Operating Budget.
F. Approval - Interlocal Agreement - Automobile Burglary Theft Prevention Authority Joint Grant Application:
Overview: This item is the approval of an Interlocal agreement between the City of Amarillo and Potter County to submit a multi-jurisdictional grant application to the Automobile Burglary Theft Prevention Authority of the State of Texas. The grant application will fund specific activities to aid in the reduction of auto thefts in and around Amarillo. The required match from the City of Amarillo is the dedication of a police Lieutenant to oversee the activities of the unit. The Lieutenant position is in the proposed FY 2015/2016 City operating budget.
A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award to best value bid: Ditch Witch (under contract) -- $291,353.37
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a horizontal directional drilling machine. This item is a budgeted purchase to enhance the capabilities of the City to perform line replacements and installation with limited surface disruptions. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage General Machinery Fund.
B. Purchasing - Microsoft Licenses:
Award on Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: SHI Government Solutions -- $83,010.40
Overview: This item approves the purchase of citywide product licenses on a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement which will acquire perpetual software licenses, upgrade rights and lock-in prices to spread the purchase cost over a three year period. Funding for this purchase is included in the Information Technology Operating Budget.
C. Award - Landscape Maintenance and Mowing Contract for Greenways Public Improvement District:
Award to: Ramirez Lawn & Sprinkler - base fee of $107,927
Overview: This item awards a 3-year contract with a 2-year options to perform landscape maintenance, mowing, edging and trimming for the Greenways Public Improvement District (PID). All funds for this contract will be payable from the PID and will not require any City funds. This contract is recommended for approval by the Greenways Public Improvement District Board of Directors.
D. Approval - Continuum of Care Grant Agreements:
Granting Agency: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2014 Continuum of Care Program Grants -- $772,766.00
Overview: This item approves the FY 2014 Continuum of Care grant agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the continuation of the following programs:
Permanent Housing Program (Shelter Plus Care) -- $367,044
Provides rental assistance to homeless persons with disabilities and their families, primarily, those with serious mental illness or chronic problems with alcohol or drugs. Case management is provided by Texas Panhandle Centers.
Supportive Housing Program (Transitional Housing) -- $314,634
Provides rental assistance to homeless families with children referred from shelters and community agencies. Supportive services and case management is provided by Downtown Women's Center.
Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) -- $91,088
Provides the software licenses and annual service support for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a computerized data management and collection software system required for the provision of services.
E. Approval - Annual JDE Support Renewal:
Awarded to: Oracle -- $120,818.08
Overview: This item represents the proposed annual software support and maintenance renewal for the existing JD Edwards software applications. JD Edwards is the business management software suite used by the City to collect, process and manage data related to financing, accounting, purchasing, human resources, inventory and work order processing. Funding for this purchase is included in the Information Technology Operating Budget.
F. Approval - Interlocal Agreement - Automobile Burglary Theft Prevention Authority Joint Grant Application:
Overview: This item is the approval of an Interlocal agreement between the City of Amarillo and Potter County to submit a multi-jurisdictional grant application to the Automobile Burglary Theft Prevention Authority of the State of Texas. The grant application will fund specific activities to aid in the reduction of auto thefts in and around Amarillo. The required match from the City of Amarillo is the dedication of a police Lieutenant to oversee the activities of the unit. The Lieutenant position is in the proposed FY 2015/2016 City operating budget.