A. Purchase - Grinder/Macerator Parts:
Award to sole provider - JWC Environmental, LLC -- $59,492.54
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement parts and a controller panel for a grinder/macerator machine at the existing Lift Station #26 on the City's wastewater collection system. This machine ensures the proper operation of this Lift Station and wastewater collection system by preventing objects from impeding the flow through the Lift Station. JWC Environmental is the proprietary provider of parts and controllers for this existing machine. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Wastewater Collection Department budget.
B. Purchase - Toughbook Computer Hardware:
Award on Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to: Austin Ribbon and Computer Supplies, Inc. - $69,764.48
Overview: This item approves the purchase of sixteen (16) Panasonic CF-31 Toughbook laptop computers and associated components with enhanced memory and theft management/security capabilities. These mobile, in-car computers are scheduled replacements for existing public safety units that have reached their useable lifespan. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Information Technology infrastructure and support budget.
C. Acceptance - Texas A&M Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding
City of Amarillo and Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS)
Overview: This item approves a five-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the City of Amarillo Fire Department and the Texas Forest Service. Under the terms of the MOU, Amarillo Fire Department personnel will be able to participate in certain prescribed fire activities conducted by the TFS in the area. Participation in these activities provides essential live-fire training to members of the Amarillo Fire Department. There is no cost or reimbursement to either party under this MOU.
D. Acceptance TXDOT Bus and Bus Facilities Grant -- $170,437.00:
Overview: This item considers the acceptance of a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for the Amarillo City Transit system. TXDOT is providing $170,437.00 in current funding to the City. The funds will be used to replace 459 bus stop signs, poles, and hardware as well as purchase additional signs for future use or replacement. There are no required local matching funds under the terms of the grant.
E. Acceptance - TXDPS Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Award - $73,229.11:
Overview: This item accepts the FY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) from the Texas Department of Public Safety. This grant funding is a 6-month extension to the program that supports the on-going program of services provided by the Office of Emergency management (OEM) to the residents of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties. The grant period runs from October, 2014 through March, 2016 with the particular identified funding for the FY 15 EMPG grant year.
A. Purchase - Grinder/Macerator Parts:
Award to sole provider - JWC Environmental, LLC -- $59,492.54
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement parts and a controller panel for a grinder/macerator machine at the existing Lift Station #26 on the City's wastewater collection system. This machine ensures the proper operation of this Lift Station and wastewater collection system by preventing objects from impeding the flow through the Lift Station. JWC Environmental is the proprietary provider of parts and controllers for this existing machine. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Wastewater Collection Department budget.
B. Purchase - Toughbook Computer Hardware:
Award on Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract to: Austin Ribbon and Computer Supplies, Inc. - $69,764.48
Overview: This item approves the purchase of sixteen (16) Panasonic CF-31 Toughbook laptop computers and associated components with enhanced memory and theft management/security capabilities. These mobile, in-car computers are scheduled replacements for existing public safety units that have reached their useable lifespan. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Information Technology infrastructure and support budget.
C. Acceptance - Texas A&M Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding
City of Amarillo and Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS)
Overview: This item approves a five-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the City of Amarillo Fire Department and the Texas Forest Service. Under the terms of the MOU, Amarillo Fire Department personnel will be able to participate in certain prescribed fire activities conducted by the TFS in the area. Participation in these activities provides essential live-fire training to members of the Amarillo Fire Department. There is no cost or reimbursement to either party under this MOU.
D. Acceptance TXDOT Bus and Bus Facilities Grant -- $170,437.00:
Overview: This item considers the acceptance of a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for the Amarillo City Transit system. TXDOT is providing $170,437.00 in current funding to the City. The funds will be used to replace 459 bus stop signs, poles, and hardware as well as purchase additional signs for future use or replacement. There are no required local matching funds under the terms of the grant.
E. Acceptance - TXDPS Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Award - $73,229.11:
Overview: This item accepts the FY 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) from the Texas Department of Public Safety. This grant funding is a 6-month extension to the program that supports the on-going program of services provided by the Office of Emergency management (OEM) to the residents of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties. The grant period runs from October, 2014 through March, 2016 with the particular identified funding for the FY 15 EMPG grant year.