A. Purchase - Gate Valves and Accessories:
Award to low responsive bidder: Water Technology Resources -- $70,680.00
Overview: This item purchase 18" gate valves and the related fittings and pipe to be used in the South Bonham Street line extension and valve replacement project. Funding for the proposed purchase is in the approved Water Distribution Capital Improvement Program project budget.
B. Approval - Communications and Technology Service Agreement:
Texas DIR Contract #2687: Avaya Communications Inc. -- $172,805.40
Overview: This item approves a three (3) year service agreement for support and software upgrades for the Avaya PBX telephone equipment. Avaya provides the City's communications system and connectivity between City Hall, Police Department and Public Health. Funding for the service agreement is a recurring cost budgeted annually in the respective departmental operation budgets.
C. Approval - City Property Insurance:
Award one-year renewal to Affiliated FM Insurance Company through Neely, Craig and Walton, LLP
Annual premium -- $566,355.00
Overview: This item approves the final one-year renewal for the City's property insurance coverage. The City insures approximately $983 million in property and the policy includes terrorism, flood and earthquake, boiler and machinery, business interruption, fungus mold and mildew and other specific coverages. The property insurance policy includes a $250,000 deductible per occurrence and the proposed premium represents a 10% increase over the prior policy premium.
Overview:The initial award to Affiliated FM was the result of a competitive Request for Proposal in 2013. With the 10% renewal rate increase, the annual premium is less than the proposed premium from the second proposer, which was $625,818. As this is the final renewal under the existing policy, the City will institute a new request for proposals in 2016.
A. Purchase - Gate Valves and Accessories:
Award to low responsive bidder: Water Technology Resources -- $70,680.00
Overview: This item purchase 18" gate valves and the related fittings and pipe to be used in the South Bonham Street line extension and valve replacement project. Funding for the proposed purchase is in the approved Water Distribution Capital Improvement Program project budget.
B. Approval - Communications and Technology Service Agreement:
Texas DIR Contract #2687: Avaya Communications Inc. -- $172,805.40
Overview: This item approves a three (3) year service agreement for support and software upgrades for the Avaya PBX telephone equipment. Avaya provides the City's communications system and connectivity between City Hall, Police Department and Public Health. Funding for the service agreement is a recurring cost budgeted annually in the respective departmental operation budgets.
C. Approval - City Property Insurance:
Award one-year renewal to Affiliated FM Insurance Company through Neely, Craig and Walton, LLP
Annual premium -- $566,355.00
Overview: This item approves the final one-year renewal for the City's property insurance coverage. The City insures approximately $983 million in property and the policy includes terrorism, flood and earthquake, boiler and machinery, business interruption, fungus mold and mildew and other specific coverages. The property insurance policy includes a $250,000 deductible per occurrence and the proposed premium represents a 10% increase over the prior policy premium.
Overview:The initial award to Affiliated FM was the result of a competitive Request for Proposal in 2013. With the 10% renewal rate increase, the annual premium is less than the proposed premium from the second proposer, which was $625,818. As this is the final renewal under the existing policy, the City will institute a new request for proposals in 2016.