A. Purchase - Liquid Aluminum Sulfate:
Award to low responsive bidder: Chameleon Industries, Inc. -- $59,570.70
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide approximately 210 tons of liquid aluminum sulfate for use in the water treatment process. This product is used to purify and treat water at the Osage Surface Water Treatment Plant and aids in the removal of suspended particles in the raw water. The contract price is an increase of 1.75% from June 2014. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Surface Water Treatment Department Operating Budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements Replacement of Water Mains:
Award to low responsive bidder: Roberts Ditching LLC -- $600,156.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of six-inch water mains in various locations in the Morningside, Plemons and miscellaneous areas. The project will replace deteriorated and small diameter (two-inch) mains. The estimated completion date is April 2016. Funding for this project is available from the approved FY 2014/2015 Utility Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.
C. Award - Roof Replacement - Central Fire Station:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Parsley's Sheet Metal and Roofing -- $125,300.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to remove and replace the roof at the Central Fire Station at 400 South Van Buren. The contract award is 7% less than the estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program Budget.
D. Award - Motor Fuels Annual Contract:
Diesel: $0.0272/gallon subtracted from current OPIS index (est. 850,000 gallons/yr)
Gasoline: $0.0131/gallon subtracted from current OPIS Index (est. 700,000 gallons/yr)
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline for the City fleet. Fuel is purchased on an as-needed basis and delivered to four City fueling sites. The proposed contract is based on the average Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) index cost at the time of purchase less the factor prices indicated above. The contract price represents an average decrease of 10.4% from the July 2012 contract pricing. The estimated annual spending under this contract is $2,211,368. This proposed contract may be renewed for up to two, one-year extensions upon mutual consent. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 operating budgets.
E. Approval - Engineering Services Agreement:
F. Approval - Lease Agreement: Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Lessee: Transportation Safety Administration (TSA)
Term: Ten (10) years
Lease Rate: $26.13/sq ft firm for five (5) years
Overview: This item approves a new lease agreement with the General Services Administration (GSA) for the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) office space at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. TSA has been a tenant since 2001. The current lease expires June 30, 2015. The annual lease revenue will be $82,000 for 2,624 square feet.
G. Approval -- Emergency Repair of a Sanitary Sewer Main:
Award to West Texas Utilities Contractor -- $94,938.00
Overview: This item approves the emergency repair of 140 feet of 16" sewer main located at the South Loop 335 and Georgia Street. The contract was awarded to the available contractor on an emergency basis and work began on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Funding for the emergency repair is available from the Utilities Division Expansion and Improvement Account.
H. Approval - Communications and Technology Service Agreement:
Texas DIR Contract #2687: Avaya Communications Inc. -- $172,805.40
Overview: This item approves a three (3) year service agreement for support and software upgrades for the Avaya PBX telephone equipment. Avaya provides the City's communications system and connectivity between City Hall, Police Department and Public Health. Funding for the service agreement is a recurring cost budgeted annually in the respective departmental operation budgets.
I. Approval - Natural Gas Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Paisano Natural Gas -- $292,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide natural gas to be delivered to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The City will purchase the natural gas based on the spot-gas price for West Texas Waha as quoted monthly in the "Inside F.E.R.C's Gas Market Report Index" plus $0.18 per MMBTU. The contract may be renewed for up to four (4) one-year extensions upon mutual consent. Funding for the contract is available in the approved operating budgets for the wastewater treatment plants.
A. Purchase - Liquid Aluminum Sulfate:
Award to low responsive bidder: Chameleon Industries, Inc. -- $59,570.70
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide approximately 210 tons of liquid aluminum sulfate for use in the water treatment process. This product is used to purify and treat water at the Osage Surface Water Treatment Plant and aids in the removal of suspended particles in the raw water. The contract price is an increase of 1.75% from June 2014. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Surface Water Treatment Department Operating Budget.
B. Award - Water Distribution Improvements Replacement of Water Mains:
Award to low responsive bidder: Roberts Ditching LLC -- $600,156.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the installation of six-inch water mains in various locations in the Morningside, Plemons and miscellaneous areas. The project will replace deteriorated and small diameter (two-inch) mains. The estimated completion date is April 2016. Funding for this project is available from the approved FY 2014/2015 Utility Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.
C. Award - Roof Replacement - Central Fire Station:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Parsley's Sheet Metal and Roofing -- $125,300.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to remove and replace the roof at the Central Fire Station at 400 South Van Buren. The contract award is 7% less than the estimate. Funding for this project is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program Budget.
D. Award - Motor Fuels Annual Contract:
Diesel: $0.0272/gallon subtracted from current OPIS index (est. 850,000 gallons/yr)
Gasoline: $0.0131/gallon subtracted from current OPIS Index (est. 700,000 gallons/yr)
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline for the City fleet. Fuel is purchased on an as-needed basis and delivered to four City fueling sites. The proposed contract is based on the average Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) index cost at the time of purchase less the factor prices indicated above. The contract price represents an average decrease of 10.4% from the July 2012 contract pricing. The estimated annual spending under this contract is $2,211,368. This proposed contract may be renewed for up to two, one-year extensions upon mutual consent. Funding for this contract is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 operating budgets.
E. Approval - Engineering Services Agreement:
F. Approval - Lease Agreement: Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport:
Lessee: Transportation Safety Administration (TSA)
Term: Ten (10) years
Lease Rate: $26.13/sq ft firm for five (5) years
Overview: This item approves a new lease agreement with the General Services Administration (GSA) for the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) office space at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. TSA has been a tenant since 2001. The current lease expires June 30, 2015. The annual lease revenue will be $82,000 for 2,624 square feet.
G. Approval -- Emergency Repair of a Sanitary Sewer Main:
Award to West Texas Utilities Contractor -- $94,938.00
Overview: This item approves the emergency repair of 140 feet of 16" sewer main located at the South Loop 335 and Georgia Street. The contract was awarded to the available contractor on an emergency basis and work began on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Funding for the emergency repair is available from the Utilities Division Expansion and Improvement Account.
H. Approval - Communications and Technology Service Agreement:
Texas DIR Contract #2687: Avaya Communications Inc. -- $172,805.40
Overview: This item approves a three (3) year service agreement for support and software upgrades for the Avaya PBX telephone equipment. Avaya provides the City's communications system and connectivity between City Hall, Police Department and Public Health. Funding for the service agreement is a recurring cost budgeted annually in the respective departmental operation budgets.
I. Approval - Natural Gas Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Paisano Natural Gas -- $292,000.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide natural gas to be delivered to the Hollywood and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. The City will purchase the natural gas based on the spot-gas price for West Texas Waha as quoted monthly in the "Inside F.E.R.C's Gas Market Report Index" plus $0.18 per MMBTU. The contract may be renewed for up to four (4) one-year extensions upon mutual consent. Funding for the contract is available in the approved operating budgets for the wastewater treatment plants.