A. Award - 2015 Milling and Overlay of Various City Streets:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, LTD. -- $2,394,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the annual street milling and overlay project. The contract includes the needed repairs, milling, and installation of a new layer of hot-mix asphalt on eight existing arterial streets. The bid price is a 22.33% increase from 2014 - All bids received were in excess of the funds budgeted for the overlay project. Therefore, the contract will be accompanied by a substantial deduct change order which will result in a reduced scope of services from the originally planned ten arterial streets to the recommended eight arterial streets and associated contract price. The change order will be executed concurrent with the contract resulting in a net project cost of $1,914,675.50. Funding at this level is available in the approved FY2014/2015 Street Department Capital Improvement Project and Street Improvement Fund.
B. Acceptance - Agreement between the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior and the City of Amarillo:
Overview: This item is the approval of an agreement for Mutual Aid Services between the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior and the City of Amarillo. This agreement will provide mutual firefighting assistance in and near the Lake Meredith Recreation area and the City of Amarillo.
A. Award - 2015 Milling and Overlay of Various City Streets:
Award to low responsive bidder: L.A. Fuller & Sons Construction, LTD. -- $2,394,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the annual street milling and overlay project. The contract includes the needed repairs, milling, and installation of a new layer of hot-mix asphalt on eight existing arterial streets. The bid price is a 22.33% increase from 2014 - All bids received were in excess of the funds budgeted for the overlay project. Therefore, the contract will be accompanied by a substantial deduct change order which will result in a reduced scope of services from the originally planned ten arterial streets to the recommended eight arterial streets and associated contract price. The change order will be executed concurrent with the contract resulting in a net project cost of $1,914,675.50. Funding at this level is available in the approved FY2014/2015 Street Department Capital Improvement Project and Street Improvement Fund.
B. Acceptance - Agreement between the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior and the City of Amarillo:
Overview: This item is the approval of an agreement for Mutual Aid Services between the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior and the City of Amarillo. This agreement will provide mutual firefighting assistance in and near the Lake Meredith Recreation area and the City of Amarillo.