A. Award - Simms Municipal Building Renovations -- $4,284,494.00:
Award to low responsive bidder: Southwest General Contractors, Inc.
Overview: This item awards the contract for the renovation of the Simms Municipal Building at 808 South Buchanan Street. The recommended award consists of the base bid of $4,252,014.00 and Alternate No. 3 for $32,480.00 to install a glazing film to the interior storefront glass. This project will relocate the development related departments from City Hall to the Simms Building and assist in the further implementation of the One Stop Shop model. Funding for the project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program Budget.
B. Award - River Road Wastewater Reclamation Plant Positive Displacement Pumps -- $105,777.00:
Award to low responsive bidder: J & L Equipment and Odessa Pumps, Inc.
Overview: This item approves the purchase and installation of seven (7) new positive displacement pumps at the River Road Wastewater Reclamation Plant. The project will replace pumps which have exceeded their useful life and are obsolete. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Project budget for the River Road Plant.
C. Approval Task Order #4 - Task Order #4 - Runway 4/22 Edge Lighting Rehabilitation:
RS&H, Inc. -- $132,800.00
Overview: This item approves a task order with RS&H, Inc. for the engineering design and bidding phase services for the rehabilitation of the edge lighting for the main runway at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. This project is necessary to maintain service and meet required standards. Ninety percent (90%) of task order #4 will be funded by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding, with the remaining 10% funded by budgeted Airport Capital Improvement Project.
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of a 20-foot water line easement in Section 11, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County.
A. Award - Simms Municipal Building Renovations -- $4,284,494.00:
Award to low responsive bidder: Southwest General Contractors, Inc.
Overview: This item awards the contract for the renovation of the Simms Municipal Building at 808 South Buchanan Street. The recommended award consists of the base bid of $4,252,014.00 and Alternate No. 3 for $32,480.00 to install a glazing film to the interior storefront glass. This project will relocate the development related departments from City Hall to the Simms Building and assist in the further implementation of the One Stop Shop model. Funding for the project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program Budget.
B. Award - River Road Wastewater Reclamation Plant Positive Displacement Pumps -- $105,777.00:
Award to low responsive bidder: J & L Equipment and Odessa Pumps, Inc.
Overview: This item approves the purchase and installation of seven (7) new positive displacement pumps at the River Road Wastewater Reclamation Plant. The project will replace pumps which have exceeded their useful life and are obsolete. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Project budget for the River Road Plant.
C. Approval Task Order #4 - Task Order #4 - Runway 4/22 Edge Lighting Rehabilitation:
RS&H, Inc. -- $132,800.00
Overview: This item approves a task order with RS&H, Inc. for the engineering design and bidding phase services for the rehabilitation of the edge lighting for the main runway at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. This project is necessary to maintain service and meet required standards. Ninety percent (90%) of task order #4 will be funded by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding, with the remaining 10% funded by budgeted Airport Capital Improvement Project.
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of a 20-foot water line easement in Section 11, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County.