A. Award - Highway Luminaries Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Graybar Electric Co. Inc. -- $98,748.80
Overview: This item awards a supply agreement for a variety of highway LED luminaries for the Traffic Engineering Department. The inventory will be maintained by Central Stores. Funding is available in the approved Central Stores Operations Budget.
B. Approval - Excess Workers' Compensation Coverage:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool -- $88,876.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of excess workers compensation coverage for the City of Amarillo, including the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation and City volunteers. The recommended provider, the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool submitted the highest evaluated proposal. The proposal will provide excess coverage beginning at $1 million and extending to the statutory aggregate limits. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Self Insurance Fund budget.
C. Approval - Water Rights Purchase:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Frank P. Sharman Trust and Mary M. Sharman Trust; Clear Creek Land LP, Gwyn and Harrison Properties, Inc.; Mary R. Haynes, 2009 Living Trust, Catherine Rapstine Dunn; Bonnie Breanne Coffin; Greta Rapstine Crofford; Frank P. Rapstine Trust, David Dunn Trustee
Purchase Price: $366,186.00
Terms and Conditions: As noted
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 610.31 +/- acres in Potter County that are contiguous to the existing water rights for the Potter County Wellfield. This property is described as Section 1, Block C, C Christolph Survey, Potter County. This fee simple purchase will allow the city to operate the existing Well 507 at full capacity and adds 610 acres of water rights to complete a 'notch' in the existing wellfield. The additional acreage will further allow for the development of a future large capacity well that can take advantage of existing nearby infrastructure, thus lowering future development costs. The acreage has an estimated 261' of saturated thickness. Funding for this purchase is available in the dedicated account for water rights purchase and management, and net cost to the City is $343,299.40 with the remaining funding being provided by the City's hydrology consultant pursuant to an existing agreement
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of 0.905 acre for a public utility easement in Section 61, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, Texas for ongoing water line improvements in the area.
A. Award - Highway Luminaries Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Graybar Electric Co. Inc. -- $98,748.80
Overview: This item awards a supply agreement for a variety of highway LED luminaries for the Traffic Engineering Department. The inventory will be maintained by Central Stores. Funding is available in the approved Central Stores Operations Budget.
B. Approval - Excess Workers' Compensation Coverage:
Award to best evaluated proposer: Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool -- $88,876.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of excess workers compensation coverage for the City of Amarillo, including the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation and City volunteers. The recommended provider, the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool submitted the highest evaluated proposal. The proposal will provide excess coverage beginning at $1 million and extending to the statutory aggregate limits. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Self Insurance Fund budget.
C. Approval - Water Rights Purchase:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Frank P. Sharman Trust and Mary M. Sharman Trust; Clear Creek Land LP, Gwyn and Harrison Properties, Inc.; Mary R. Haynes, 2009 Living Trust, Catherine Rapstine Dunn; Bonnie Breanne Coffin; Greta Rapstine Crofford; Frank P. Rapstine Trust, David Dunn Trustee
Purchase Price: $366,186.00
Terms and Conditions: As noted
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 610.31 +/- acres in Potter County that are contiguous to the existing water rights for the Potter County Wellfield. This property is described as Section 1, Block C, C Christolph Survey, Potter County. This fee simple purchase will allow the city to operate the existing Well 507 at full capacity and adds 610 acres of water rights to complete a 'notch' in the existing wellfield. The additional acreage will further allow for the development of a future large capacity well that can take advantage of existing nearby infrastructure, thus lowering future development costs. The acreage has an estimated 261' of saturated thickness. Funding for this purchase is available in the dedicated account for water rights purchase and management, and net cost to the City is $343,299.40 with the remaining funding being provided by the City's hydrology consultant pursuant to an existing agreement
D. Dedications and Acceptances:
Overview: Dedication of 0.905 acre for a public utility easement in Section 61, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, Texas for ongoing water line improvements in the area.