A. Purchase - Computer Hardware:
Award on Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell - $82,930.72
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement computer equipment and hardware which includes two minitower workstations, 61 desktop computers, 25 laptop computers, and 3 handheld microcomputers. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved Capital Improvement Project budget for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
B. Purchase - Timekeeping Upgrade: KRONOS Incorporated -- $164,388.72:
Overview: This item approves the purchase of software upgrades and additional software licenses and maintenance, with (21) time clocks and related maintenance. The original purchase was in 2006 and it was upgraded in 2009. The additional licenses and time clocks are required for the Fire and Police Departments implementation. KRONOS is a proprietary software. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved 2011 Capital Improvement Project budget for infrastructure and hardware.
C. Purchase - Tractors and Mowers:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Western Equipment $147,250.00
Lines 1, 2, 5, 14
James Bros. Implement Company 221,555.00
Lines 4,17,18,19
Austin Turf & Tractor 99,992.22
Lines 6, 8, 9
Professional Turf 80,691.87
Lines 7, 11, 13
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment 130,590.00
Lines 10, 12
Moridge Manufacturing 61,945.00
Lines 15, 16
Total Award $742,024.09
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of various tractors and mowers to replace units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. Some equipment is a budgeted addition. The equipment will be used by various departments: Airport, Ross Rogers and Comanche Trail Golf Courses, Park Maintenance, Water Production and Transmission, Hollywood Road and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. Pricing under this bid reflects an overall increase of 30% from the most recent purchases. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery General budget.
D. Purchase - Asphaltic Cement Specialized Petroleum Products:
Award to best evaluated proposal: Heartland Asphalt Materials -- $750,000.00
Overview: This item award a contract for the purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5) used for the summer seal coating program for the City's residential streets. The material is sprayed on the street surface prior to laying pre-coated aggregate. The material costs will be $2.35 per gallon. This cost is a 6.7% decrease from the last purchase in September 2014. In addition to the material cost, the City will pay haul charges of $0.13 per gallon from Lubbock to Amarillo. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Street Department budget.
E. Award -- River Road Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation:
Low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services, PLLC -- $2,638,609.00
Overview: The item awards a construction contract for the rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers, the installation of liner for the existing storm water basin and to reroute piping to service the clarifiers. The bid is 18.5% less than the estimated cost of the project. Funding for this project is available in two approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budgets, the River Road Line Storm Water Basin and River Road Replacement Primary Clarifier.
F. Award - Armored Car Service Contract:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Rochester Armored Car Company, Inc. -- $108,888.00
Overview: This item is the award of a two-year contract with an option to renew for one (1) additional two-year period for armored car services for the City's operations. The contract includes pickup and depository service at 19 set locations and 3 seasonal locations as needed. This contract is an increase of 15.09% from the last contract in May 2011. The contract is funded on a pro-rata basis by each end-user department through the approved annual operating budgets.
G. Approval - Door Tag Placement Services:
Award to Henderson Enterprises -- $118,800.00
Overview: This item approves a three-year contract for the delivery or placement of door hangers to delinquent water service customers. The contract includes two (2) additional one-year extensions. The door tag placement was initiated in 2006 and produces 600 to 1,000 door hangers each month. The cost is $2.75 per tag. There has been no increase in the cost from the current contract. Funding for the contract for services is available in the Utility Billing annual budget.
A. Purchase - Computer Hardware:
Award on Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchasing Contract: Dell - $82,930.72
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement computer equipment and hardware which includes two minitower workstations, 61 desktop computers, 25 laptop computers, and 3 handheld microcomputers. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved Capital Improvement Project budget for Infrastructure and Support Hardware.
B. Purchase - Timekeeping Upgrade: KRONOS Incorporated -- $164,388.72:
Overview: This item approves the purchase of software upgrades and additional software licenses and maintenance, with (21) time clocks and related maintenance. The original purchase was in 2006 and it was upgraded in 2009. The additional licenses and time clocks are required for the Fire and Police Departments implementation. KRONOS is a proprietary software. Funding for the purchase is available in the Information Technology Department's approved 2011 Capital Improvement Project budget for infrastructure and hardware.
C. Purchase - Tractors and Mowers:
Award to low responsive bidder by line item as follows:
Western Equipment $147,250.00
Lines 1, 2, 5, 14
James Bros. Implement Company 221,555.00
Lines 4,17,18,19
Austin Turf & Tractor 99,992.22
Lines 6, 8, 9
Professional Turf 80,691.87
Lines 7, 11, 13
C&M Golf and Grounds Equipment 130,590.00
Lines 10, 12
Moridge Manufacturing 61,945.00
Lines 15, 16
Total Award $742,024.09
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of various tractors and mowers to replace units that have reached or exceeded their usable lifespan. Some equipment is a budgeted addition. The equipment will be used by various departments: Airport, Ross Rogers and Comanche Trail Golf Courses, Park Maintenance, Water Production and Transmission, Hollywood Road and River Road Wastewater Treatment Plants. Pricing under this bid reflects an overall increase of 30% from the most recent purchases. Funding for this purchase is in the approved Municipal Garage Machinery General budget.
D. Purchase - Asphaltic Cement Specialized Petroleum Products:
Award to best evaluated proposal: Heartland Asphalt Materials -- $750,000.00
Overview: This item award a contract for the purchase of Asphaltic Cement (AC-5) used for the summer seal coating program for the City's residential streets. The material is sprayed on the street surface prior to laying pre-coated aggregate. The material costs will be $2.35 per gallon. This cost is a 6.7% decrease from the last purchase in September 2014. In addition to the material cost, the City will pay haul charges of $0.13 per gallon from Lubbock to Amarillo. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Street Department budget.
E. Award -- River Road Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation:
Low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services, PLLC -- $2,638,609.00
Overview: The item awards a construction contract for the rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers, the installation of liner for the existing storm water basin and to reroute piping to service the clarifiers. The bid is 18.5% less than the estimated cost of the project. Funding for this project is available in two approved Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budgets, the River Road Line Storm Water Basin and River Road Replacement Primary Clarifier.
F. Award - Armored Car Service Contract:
Award to sole responsive bidder: Rochester Armored Car Company, Inc. -- $108,888.00
Overview: This item is the award of a two-year contract with an option to renew for one (1) additional two-year period for armored car services for the City's operations. The contract includes pickup and depository service at 19 set locations and 3 seasonal locations as needed. This contract is an increase of 15.09% from the last contract in May 2011. The contract is funded on a pro-rata basis by each end-user department through the approved annual operating budgets.
G. Approval - Door Tag Placement Services:
Award to Henderson Enterprises -- $118,800.00
Overview: This item approves a three-year contract for the delivery or placement of door hangers to delinquent water service customers. The contract includes two (2) additional one-year extensions. The door tag placement was initiated in 2006 and produces 600 to 1,000 door hangers each month. The cost is $2.75 per tag. There has been no increase in the cost from the current contract. Funding for the contract for services is available in the Utility Billing annual budget.