A. Award -- Civic Center Regency Kitchen Renovations:
Low responsive bidder: A&S General Contractors, Inc. -- $310,975.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the remodel of the Regency Kitchen in the Amarillo Civic Center, 400 South Buchanan. The kitchen has been relocated from the basement and will be updated to current service needs and standards. Funding for the construction is available in the approved Civic Center Improvements budget and from insurance settlement proceeds.
B. Purchase - Tapping Machine and Parts:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ferguson Waterworks, Inc. -- $72,190.92
Overview: The item approves the purchase of a tapping machine, parts and accessories to be used by the Water Distribution line replacement crews who repair and replace water mains. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Water Distribution Line Replacement budget.
C. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Associated Supply Company $194,950.00
(Lines 1-5)
Bandit of Texas LLC 41,800.00
(Line 2)
Yellowhouse Machinery $162,059.38
(Lines 3, 4)
Total Award $398,809.38
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of heavy equipment for use by various City departments. The requested items include scheduled replacements for existing units as well as the addition of one large air compressor and one backhoe. These units will be used by the Water and Wastewater, Traffic Field Operations and Parks Maintenance departments. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement Fund.
D. Approval - Summer Food Service Program Application:
Overview: This item approves the application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2015 Summer Lunch Program. The program begins on June 1st and ends August 21st. The AISD school year begins on August 24, 2015. Through this program, the City anticipates serving 133,530 lunches and 100,750 snacks to children at 52 sites in Amarillo. The sites include 17 parks, 32 schools and 2 community centers. TDA will reimburse the City $3.58 per meal, $0.845 per snack, including operating and administrative costs.
E. Approval - Agreement for of Summer Food Service Program:
Amarillo Independent School District (AISD)
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Amarillo Independent School District to prepare and deliver meals to 52 sites during the 2015 Summer Lunch Program. Under the Summer Lunch Program guidelines, AISD has the first option on preparing and delivering meals. AISD has provided this service in the past and desires to continue its participation in the Summer Lunch Program. The AISD rates to be charged to the 2015 program are $0.845 per snacks and $2.78 per lunch. The cost will be reimbursed by the City's Summer Lunch Program from the Texas Department of Agriculture.
F. Approval - Sacked Cement Supply Agreement:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Tascosa Brick, Inc. $78,008.00
(Line 1)
CMC Construction Services 11,730.32
(Lines 2 and 3)
Total Award $89,738.32
Overview: This item approves the annual supply agreement for the purchase of sacked Portland cement, Quikrete concrete mix and Quikrete sand mix for use by various city departments. The bid represents a .53% increase from last year's pricing. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Central Stores operating budget.
G. Approval - Buchanan Street Storm Sewer Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: SJ&J Construction, LLC -- $1,385,655.66
Overview: This item is the award of a contract for installation of storm sewer improvements on Buchanan Street from 2nd Avenue to 8th Avenue. Funding for this improvement will come from the approved Public Works Capital Improvement Program budget and the Drainage Fund Reserves. This project will relieve the demand on the existing Buchanan and Pierce Streets storm sewer systems.
A. Award -- Civic Center Regency Kitchen Renovations:
Low responsive bidder: A&S General Contractors, Inc. -- $310,975.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the remodel of the Regency Kitchen in the Amarillo Civic Center, 400 South Buchanan. The kitchen has been relocated from the basement and will be updated to current service needs and standards. Funding for the construction is available in the approved Civic Center Improvements budget and from insurance settlement proceeds.
B. Purchase - Tapping Machine and Parts:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ferguson Waterworks, Inc. -- $72,190.92
Overview: The item approves the purchase of a tapping machine, parts and accessories to be used by the Water Distribution line replacement crews who repair and replace water mains. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Water Distribution Line Replacement budget.
C. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Associated Supply Company $194,950.00
(Lines 1-5)
Bandit of Texas LLC 41,800.00
(Line 2)
Yellowhouse Machinery $162,059.38
(Lines 3, 4)
Total Award $398,809.38
Overview: This item is the routine purchase of heavy equipment for use by various City departments. The requested items include scheduled replacements for existing units as well as the addition of one large air compressor and one backhoe. These units will be used by the Water and Wastewater, Traffic Field Operations and Parks Maintenance departments. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Equipment Replacement Fund.
D. Approval - Summer Food Service Program Application:
Overview: This item approves the application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2015 Summer Lunch Program. The program begins on June 1st and ends August 21st. The AISD school year begins on August 24, 2015. Through this program, the City anticipates serving 133,530 lunches and 100,750 snacks to children at 52 sites in Amarillo. The sites include 17 parks, 32 schools and 2 community centers. TDA will reimburse the City $3.58 per meal, $0.845 per snack, including operating and administrative costs.
E. Approval - Agreement for of Summer Food Service Program:
Amarillo Independent School District (AISD)
Overview: This item approves an agreement with the Amarillo Independent School District to prepare and deliver meals to 52 sites during the 2015 Summer Lunch Program. Under the Summer Lunch Program guidelines, AISD has the first option on preparing and delivering meals. AISD has provided this service in the past and desires to continue its participation in the Summer Lunch Program. The AISD rates to be charged to the 2015 program are $0.845 per snacks and $2.78 per lunch. The cost will be reimbursed by the City's Summer Lunch Program from the Texas Department of Agriculture.
F. Approval - Sacked Cement Supply Agreement:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Tascosa Brick, Inc. $78,008.00
(Line 1)
CMC Construction Services 11,730.32
(Lines 2 and 3)
Total Award $89,738.32
Overview: This item approves the annual supply agreement for the purchase of sacked Portland cement, Quikrete concrete mix and Quikrete sand mix for use by various city departments. The bid represents a .53% increase from last year's pricing. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Central Stores operating budget.
G. Approval - Buchanan Street Storm Sewer Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: SJ&J Construction, LLC -- $1,385,655.66
Overview: This item is the award of a contract for installation of storm sewer improvements on Buchanan Street from 2nd Avenue to 8th Avenue. Funding for this improvement will come from the approved Public Works Capital Improvement Program budget and the Drainage Fund Reserves. This project will relieve the demand on the existing Buchanan and Pierce Streets storm sewer systems.