A. Purchase- Traffic Paint Supply:
Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Allstates Coatings Company $ 8,890.00
Lines 1 and 3
Ennis Paint Inc. 93,500.00
Lines 2 and 4
Total Award $102,390.00
Overview: This item approves an annual supply agreement for traffic paint for the Traffic Engineering Department. The paint is used for striping traffic lanes, stop lines, crosswalks, and other traffic management devices. The cost of this purchase represents a 1.74% decrease from the last agreement and funding is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Operating Budget.
B. Purchase - Fertilizer:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Justin Seed $ 64,716.00
Lines 1,2,10
Pro Chem Sales $ 43,467.68
Lines 3,4,6,19
Target Specialties $ 22,206.02
Lines 5,11,12,13,14,15
Helena Chemicals $ 1,700.00
Line 7
Winfield Solutions $ 25,250.00
Line 8
BWI Dallas/Ft Worth $ 11,870.00
Line 9
Turf Care of Texas $ 11,200.00
Lines 16,17,18
Total Award $180,409.70
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of various fertilizers. These items are used throughout the year on City parks, public improvement districts, athletic fields, Ross Rogers and Comanche Trail Golf Complexes. The total bid price reflects a decrease of 5.95% from last year's contract. Funding is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 operating budgets for the various departments.
C. Award - Civic Center Roof Replacement:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Parsleys Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc. -- $182,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the roof over the north concourse of the Amarillo Civic Center. Funding for the project is available from the approved City's General Construction Fund Capital Improvement Program.
D. Award - Modifications to McCormick Road Metering Station:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Company -- $337,250.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the early 1980 metering system on McCormick Road. The meter measures the amount of water flowing through the pipeline to the City of Canyon and the Canyon Independent School District. The new meter will allow for line maintenance while maintaining service to Canyon. Funding for the project is available in the approved 2013-14 Utilities Capital Improvements budget and the cost of the project is 16% less than the estimate.
E. Approval - City Lake Lease Agreement:
Lessee: Duane Zortman dba DZ Cattle
Lease Term: 8 years
Acreage: 1,746 acres
Total Lease Revenue: $195,552.00
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves an eight-year grazing and pasturing lease for property located in Sections 23,24 and 25 Block 1, Tyler Tap Railroad Company Survey, Randall County. This is the property known as City Lake. The new lease represents a 54.7% increase in revenue for Utilities Division.
A. Purchase- Traffic Paint Supply:
Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Allstates Coatings Company $ 8,890.00
Lines 1 and 3
Ennis Paint Inc. 93,500.00
Lines 2 and 4
Total Award $102,390.00
Overview: This item approves an annual supply agreement for traffic paint for the Traffic Engineering Department. The paint is used for striping traffic lanes, stop lines, crosswalks, and other traffic management devices. The cost of this purchase represents a 1.74% decrease from the last agreement and funding is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Operating Budget.
B. Purchase - Fertilizer:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidders as follows:
Justin Seed $ 64,716.00
Lines 1,2,10
Pro Chem Sales $ 43,467.68
Lines 3,4,6,19
Target Specialties $ 22,206.02
Lines 5,11,12,13,14,15
Helena Chemicals $ 1,700.00
Line 7
Winfield Solutions $ 25,250.00
Line 8
BWI Dallas/Ft Worth $ 11,870.00
Line 9
Turf Care of Texas $ 11,200.00
Lines 16,17,18
Total Award $180,409.70
Overview: This item approves the annual purchase of various fertilizers. These items are used throughout the year on City parks, public improvement districts, athletic fields, Ross Rogers and Comanche Trail Golf Complexes. The total bid price reflects a decrease of 5.95% from last year's contract. Funding is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 operating budgets for the various departments.
C. Award - Civic Center Roof Replacement:
Overview: Award to best evaluated proposer: Parsleys Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc. -- $182,000.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the roof over the north concourse of the Amarillo Civic Center. Funding for the project is available from the approved City's General Construction Fund Capital Improvement Program.
D. Award - Modifications to McCormick Road Metering Station:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Company -- $337,250.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the early 1980 metering system on McCormick Road. The meter measures the amount of water flowing through the pipeline to the City of Canyon and the Canyon Independent School District. The new meter will allow for line maintenance while maintaining service to Canyon. Funding for the project is available in the approved 2013-14 Utilities Capital Improvements budget and the cost of the project is 16% less than the estimate.
E. Approval - City Lake Lease Agreement:
Lessee: Duane Zortman dba DZ Cattle
Lease Term: 8 years
Acreage: 1,746 acres
Total Lease Revenue: $195,552.00
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item approves an eight-year grazing and pasturing lease for property located in Sections 23,24 and 25 Block 1, Tyler Tap Railroad Company Survey, Randall County. This is the property known as City Lake. The new lease represents a 54.7% increase in revenue for Utilities Division.