A. Purchase - Truck with Aerial Manlift:
Award to sole bidder meeting specifications: Texas Dodge -- $96,269.90
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a truck with an aerial manlift for the Parks Maintenance Department. This is the scheduled replacement of a 1999 modal vehicle that has reached its useful life. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Approval - Change Order #5 for Sewer Relocations on Loop 335 for the TXDOT Expansion Project:
Original Contract: $2,095,953.00
Prior Change Orders: 30,450.00
Current Change Order #5 26,736.00
Total Change Orders 57,186.00
Revised Contract: $2,153,139.00
Net Increase: 2.7%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the installation of a sanitary sewer main under Loop 335. The contractor was unable to utilize the pipe bursting method. The contractor will install approximately 100 linear feet of new line under this change order by boring under Loop 335. Ten (10) days will be added to the contract. Funding is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget for this project.
C. Approval - Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grant:
Amount: $126,968.00
Overview: The item approves an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the period beginning October 2015 through September 2016. The grant will provide funding for programs at The Salvation Army and Family Support Services. These programs are focused on homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and emergency shelters. The application is recommended for submission by the Community Development Advisory Committee.
D. Approval - Extension - Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs (ARAD) Contract:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs (ARAD)
Overview: This item approves a one-year extension to the existing contract for services with ARAD. The extension period runs from April 2, 2015 to April 1, 2016 and the annual contract cost remains at $150,000 per year. Funding for this contract extension is from the Amarillo Hospital District DSRIP project.
E. Approval - Amendment Number 3 to Lease Agreement for Cellular Equipment Site:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC
Overview: This item approves amendment #3 to the existing agreement between the City and Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC for the location of cellular equipment on City facilities. The amendment extends the term for five years with two additional 5 year options and increases the rental rate to $13,500 per year per site with an included 3% rental increase for future years.
F. Approval - Amendment Number 2 to Amarillo Botanical Gardens Lease:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Botanical Gardens
Overview: This item approves an amendment to an existing lease for the Amarillo Botanical Gardens. This amendment includes the size of the leasehold by approximately 0.07 acres, which is a small strip on the immediate west side of the existing Botanical Gardens. This addition will accommodate a planned improvement. All other terms remain the same.
A. Purchase - Truck with Aerial Manlift:
Award to sole bidder meeting specifications: Texas Dodge -- $96,269.90
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a truck with an aerial manlift for the Parks Maintenance Department. This is the scheduled replacement of a 1999 modal vehicle that has reached its useful life. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
B. Approval - Change Order #5 for Sewer Relocations on Loop 335 for the TXDOT Expansion Project:
Original Contract: $2,095,953.00
Prior Change Orders: 30,450.00
Current Change Order #5 26,736.00
Total Change Orders 57,186.00
Revised Contract: $2,153,139.00
Net Increase: 2.7%
Overview: This item approves a change order to the construction contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the installation of a sanitary sewer main under Loop 335. The contractor was unable to utilize the pipe bursting method. The contractor will install approximately 100 linear feet of new line under this change order by boring under Loop 335. Ten (10) days will be added to the contract. Funding is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget for this project.
C. Approval - Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grant:
Amount: $126,968.00
Overview: The item approves an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for the period beginning October 2015 through September 2016. The grant will provide funding for programs at The Salvation Army and Family Support Services. These programs are focused on homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and emergency shelters. The application is recommended for submission by the Community Development Advisory Committee.
D. Approval - Extension - Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs (ARAD) Contract:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs (ARAD)
Overview: This item approves a one-year extension to the existing contract for services with ARAD. The extension period runs from April 2, 2015 to April 1, 2016 and the annual contract cost remains at $150,000 per year. Funding for this contract extension is from the Amarillo Hospital District DSRIP project.
E. Approval - Amendment Number 3 to Lease Agreement for Cellular Equipment Site:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC
Overview: This item approves amendment #3 to the existing agreement between the City and Southwestern Bell Wireless, LLC for the location of cellular equipment on City facilities. The amendment extends the term for five years with two additional 5 year options and increases the rental rate to $13,500 per year per site with an included 3% rental increase for future years.
F. Approval - Amendment Number 2 to Amarillo Botanical Gardens Lease:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Amarillo Botanical Gardens
Overview: This item approves an amendment to an existing lease for the Amarillo Botanical Gardens. This amendment includes the size of the leasehold by approximately 0.07 acres, which is a small strip on the immediate west side of the existing Botanical Gardens. This addition will accommodate a planned improvement. All other terms remain the same.