A. Award -- S.W. 9th Rehabilitation Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Holmes Construction Co., L.P. - $2,061,156.95
Overview: This item awards a contract for a full reconstruction of S. W. 9th Avenue from Coulter Street to Amarillo Boulevard West. The proposed contract contains several changes from prior contracts to help ensure the prompt and proper completion of this project with fewer disruptions to adjacent property owners and access points. Total project time, construction specifications and start dates have been modified for this contract. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2014/2015 Public Works Capital Improvement Program project.
B. Purchase - Heavy Trucks:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications as follows:
Amarillo Truck Center - Lines 2,4,5,7 $1,234,936.00
Rush Truck Center - Line 1 425,789.02
Summit Truck Center - Lines 3,6,8,9 760,312.00
Total Award $2,421,037.02
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of heavy trucks that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2014-2015 budget. The award consists of 21 heavy trucks that will be used by the following departments: Solid Waste Collection, Street, Water Distribution, and Wastewater Collection. This bid represents an overall 6% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Budget.
C. Purchase - Street Sweeper:
Award on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Schwarze Industries, Inc. -- $271,267.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of one (1) street sweeper. This purchase replaces a 2006 sweeper that has exceeded its useful life. Delivery is anticipated in early June. This purchase represents a 3% increase since the last sweeper purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
D. Award -- Single Family Home Construction:
Arnett Homes, Inc. -- $122,500.00
Overview: This item approves the construction of a new single family home at 1003 South Kentucky Street. The original home was severely damaged by fire and demolished in July 2014. The homeowner has qualified for assistance as a low and moderate income household. As this is the first new construction by the Community Development, no funding comparables are available. The project estimate was $150,000. Funding for the project is provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Program.
E. Approval -- Home Rental Rehabilitation Project Amendment:
Gover Properties, LLC - 710 North Johnson Street
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the HOME Rental Rehabilitation Project with Gover Properties, LLC. The project will renovate a four (4) unit apartment complex which will provide affordable housing to low income households for a minimum of five (5) years. The amendment is to assist with increasing costs of the renovation. The amendment increases the funding per unit from $10,207.50 to $14,999 or 50% of the actual costs, whichever is less. Funding for this amendment is provided by the Department or Housing & Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program.
Original Contract Amount $40,830.00
Amendment $19,166.00
Revised Contract $59,996.00
F. Sale - Properties:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Properties in Potter County.
A. Award -- S.W. 9th Rehabilitation Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Holmes Construction Co., L.P. - $2,061,156.95
Overview: This item awards a contract for a full reconstruction of S. W. 9th Avenue from Coulter Street to Amarillo Boulevard West. The proposed contract contains several changes from prior contracts to help ensure the prompt and proper completion of this project with fewer disruptions to adjacent property owners and access points. Total project time, construction specifications and start dates have been modified for this contract. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2014/2015 Public Works Capital Improvement Program project.
B. Purchase - Heavy Trucks:
Award to low bidders meeting specifications as follows:
Amarillo Truck Center - Lines 2,4,5,7 $1,234,936.00
Rush Truck Center - Line 1 425,789.02
Summit Truck Center - Lines 3,6,8,9 760,312.00
Total Award $2,421,037.02
Overview: This item is the scheduled replacement of heavy trucks that have reached or exceeded usable life and additional equipment approved in the 2014-2015 budget. The award consists of 21 heavy trucks that will be used by the following departments: Solid Waste Collection, Street, Water Distribution, and Wastewater Collection. This bid represents an overall 6% increase from the last purchase. Funding for this award is available in the approved FY 2014-2015 Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Budget.
C. Purchase - Street Sweeper:
Award on HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Agreement: Schwarze Industries, Inc. -- $271,267.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of one (1) street sweeper. This purchase replaces a 2006 sweeper that has exceeded its useful life. Delivery is anticipated in early June. This purchase represents a 3% increase since the last sweeper purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock Fund.
D. Award -- Single Family Home Construction:
Arnett Homes, Inc. -- $122,500.00
Overview: This item approves the construction of a new single family home at 1003 South Kentucky Street. The original home was severely damaged by fire and demolished in July 2014. The homeowner has qualified for assistance as a low and moderate income household. As this is the first new construction by the Community Development, no funding comparables are available. The project estimate was $150,000. Funding for the project is provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Program.
E. Approval -- Home Rental Rehabilitation Project Amendment:
Gover Properties, LLC - 710 North Johnson Street
Overview: This item approves an amendment to the HOME Rental Rehabilitation Project with Gover Properties, LLC. The project will renovate a four (4) unit apartment complex which will provide affordable housing to low income households for a minimum of five (5) years. The amendment is to assist with increasing costs of the renovation. The amendment increases the funding per unit from $10,207.50 to $14,999 or 50% of the actual costs, whichever is less. Funding for this amendment is provided by the Department or Housing & Urban Development Community Development Block Grant program.
Original Contract Amount $40,830.00
Amendment $19,166.00
Revised Contract $59,996.00
F. Sale - Properties:
Overview: Sheriff Sale Properties in Potter County.