A. Purchase - Seamless Floor and Wall System:
Awarded low responsive bidder: Quality Service & Supply -- $252,101.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase a 3-part seamless floor and wall system at Animal Management & Welfare facility. The product will be applied to the exterior sidewalks and the walls separating the kennels. Funding for this purchase is available from the approved Animal Management & Welfare Capital Improvement Project budgets.
B. Award - S.W. 9th Rehabilitation Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Holmes Construction Co., L.P. - $2,061,156.95
Overview: This item awards a contract for a full reconstruction of S. W. 9th Avenue from Coulter Street to Amarillo Boulevard West. The proposed contract contains several changes from prior contracts to help ensure the prompt and proper completion of this project with fewer disruptions to adjacent property owners and access points. Total project time, construction specifications and start dates have been modified for this contract. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2014/2015 Public Works Capital Improvement Program project.
C. Approval - Motor Fuels Topping Off Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Centergas Fuels, Inc. as follows:
Gasoline: $0.18/gallon added to OPIS price average
Diesel: $0.18/gallon added to OPIS price average
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide diesel fuel and gasoline to the City of Amarillo. Fuel is purchased on an as-needed basis and delivered to strategic locations to serve the various City fleets and the airport rental car facility. The proposed contract is based on the average Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) index cost at the time of purchase plus the factor prices indicated above. The bid price represents an overall decrease of 8.07% from the July 2011 contract pricing. The estimated total annual spending under this contract is $1.48 million. Funding for this contract is available in the various departmental operating budgets.
D. Approval - Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Attebury Elevators, et al
Cost: $6,000 per year times three years
Terms: As noted
Overview: This item approves a lease agreement for a 2.86 acre tract to be used by the Street Department to operate material storage and processing site. Funding for this lease is in the approved Street Department Operating budget.
A. Purchase - Seamless Floor and Wall System:
Awarded low responsive bidder: Quality Service & Supply -- $252,101.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase a 3-part seamless floor and wall system at Animal Management & Welfare facility. The product will be applied to the exterior sidewalks and the walls separating the kennels. Funding for this purchase is available from the approved Animal Management & Welfare Capital Improvement Project budgets.
B. Award - S.W. 9th Rehabilitation Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Holmes Construction Co., L.P. - $2,061,156.95
Overview: This item awards a contract for a full reconstruction of S. W. 9th Avenue from Coulter Street to Amarillo Boulevard West. The proposed contract contains several changes from prior contracts to help ensure the prompt and proper completion of this project with fewer disruptions to adjacent property owners and access points. Total project time, construction specifications and start dates have been modified for this contract. Funding for this project is in the approved FY 2014/2015 Public Works Capital Improvement Program project.
C. Approval - Motor Fuels Topping Off Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Centergas Fuels, Inc. as follows:
Gasoline: $0.18/gallon added to OPIS price average
Diesel: $0.18/gallon added to OPIS price average
Overview: This item awards an annual contract to provide diesel fuel and gasoline to the City of Amarillo. Fuel is purchased on an as-needed basis and delivered to strategic locations to serve the various City fleets and the airport rental car facility. The proposed contract is based on the average Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) index cost at the time of purchase plus the factor prices indicated above. The bid price represents an overall decrease of 8.07% from the July 2011 contract pricing. The estimated total annual spending under this contract is $1.48 million. Funding for this contract is available in the various departmental operating budgets.
D. Approval - Lease Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Attebury Elevators, et al
Cost: $6,000 per year times three years
Terms: As noted
Overview: This item approves a lease agreement for a 2.86 acre tract to be used by the Street Department to operate material storage and processing site. Funding for this lease is in the approved Street Department Operating budget.