A. Purchase - Three Cubic Yard Refuse Containers:
Award to low responsive bidder: Roll-Off's America/USA -- $111,390.00
Overview: This item approves the routine purchase of 235 3-Cubic Yard Refuse Containers as replacement for damaged containers and additions to the system. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Solid Waste Department budget.
B. Purchase - Sheet Steel:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ace Steel Supply LP -- $87,279.20
Overview: This item approves the routine purchase of sheet steel to be used in the repair of damaged containers. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Solid Waste Department budget.
C. Purchase - 11/2 Ton Truck with Lube Bed:
Award on Buyboard Contract #430-13 to Silsbee Ford -- $106,194.60
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a replacement vehicle - 11/2 Ton Truck with Lube Bed that has reached or exceeded its useable lifespan for use by the Municipal Garage. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Department Rolling Stock account.
D. Purchase - Cars and Light-Duty Trucks:
Award to:
Gene Messer Ford $ 284,126.00
Caldwell Country Ford $ 768,254.00
Caldwell Country Chevrolet $ 433,094.00
TOTAL AWARD $1,485,474.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement cars and light-duty trucks that have reached or exceeded their useable lifespan for use by multiple city departments. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Department Rolling Stock account.
E. Acceptance - Amendment to Women's Infants and Children Nutrition (WIC) Contract:
Original Award: $1,700,350.00
Amendment: $ 218,068.00
Revised Award $1,918,418.00
Overview: This item accepts an amendment to the 2015 WIC Contract. The additional funding will provide equipment purchases and facility alterations. The additional funding is the result of an increase reimbursement rate per participant.
F. Approval - Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System Grant Application:
Overview: This item authorizes the submission of a grant assistance application to the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) which will assign to the City of Amarillo a fire and rescue vehicle equipment to be used in local and regional mutual aid and other local responses. Amarillo must agree to mobilize the engine with qualified personnel when called by TIFMAS. The equipment will be purchased by TIFMAS and delivered to Amarillo.
G. Approval - Change Orders 2, 5, and 6 for Water and Sewer Relocations for TXDOT Loop 335 Expansion Project - Phase III:
Original Contract: $2,095,953.00
Prior Change Orders: 0.00
Change Order #2: 15,610.00
Change Order #5 7,500.00
Change Order #6 35,890.00
Total Change Orders 59,000.00
Revised Contract: $2,111,563.00
Net Increase: 2.8%
Overview: This item approves three change orders to the construction contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the relocation of water and sewer mains within the Texas Department of Transportation Right of Way along Loop 335. The change orders allowed for realignment of the both water and sanitary sewer mains to avoid a 5' diameter Xcel transmission pole. Additionally, TCEQ regulations require a manhole at a change of direction of a sanitary sewer. Funding is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
H. Approval - Agreement for Engineering Services with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc.:
CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. -- $674,400.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the design, bidding and construction services necessary to replace the 30" sanitary sewer line in the Hillside Estates Subdivision. CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. was identified as the most qualified firms following evaluation of responses received to RFQ #01-15. Funding for this contract is available in the Utilities Sewer and Water E&I accounts.
I. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Section 26 and 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for placement of signs on Wallace Boulevard, Hagy Boulevard and a 20' public sanitary sewer easement.
J. Award - Airport Parking Management and Operation Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer - Republic Parking Systems
Fee - $123,600 per year for 3 years ($370,800) with two optional one-year extensions at $123,600 each
Overview: This item awards a contract to manage and operate the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport Parking system. The proposed agreement will increase the customer service, parking management and technology for the parking system. Under the terms of the agreement, the Airport will pay the management fee noted above plus agreed upon operational expenses. The annual net revenue to the airport is projected to be the same or slightly increased as a result of the agreement.
A. Purchase - Three Cubic Yard Refuse Containers:
Award to low responsive bidder: Roll-Off's America/USA -- $111,390.00
Overview: This item approves the routine purchase of 235 3-Cubic Yard Refuse Containers as replacement for damaged containers and additions to the system. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Solid Waste Department budget.
B. Purchase - Sheet Steel:
Award to low responsive bidder: Ace Steel Supply LP -- $87,279.20
Overview: This item approves the routine purchase of sheet steel to be used in the repair of damaged containers. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Solid Waste Department budget.
C. Purchase - 11/2 Ton Truck with Lube Bed:
Award on Buyboard Contract #430-13 to Silsbee Ford -- $106,194.60
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a replacement vehicle - 11/2 Ton Truck with Lube Bed that has reached or exceeded its useable lifespan for use by the Municipal Garage. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Department Rolling Stock account.
D. Purchase - Cars and Light-Duty Trucks:
Award to:
Gene Messer Ford $ 284,126.00
Caldwell Country Ford $ 768,254.00
Caldwell Country Chevrolet $ 433,094.00
TOTAL AWARD $1,485,474.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of replacement cars and light-duty trucks that have reached or exceeded their useable lifespan for use by multiple city departments. Funding for this item is available in the approved FY2014 Department Rolling Stock account.
E. Acceptance - Amendment to Women's Infants and Children Nutrition (WIC) Contract:
Original Award: $1,700,350.00
Amendment: $ 218,068.00
Revised Award $1,918,418.00
Overview: This item accepts an amendment to the 2015 WIC Contract. The additional funding will provide equipment purchases and facility alterations. The additional funding is the result of an increase reimbursement rate per participant.
F. Approval - Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System Grant Application:
Overview: This item authorizes the submission of a grant assistance application to the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) which will assign to the City of Amarillo a fire and rescue vehicle equipment to be used in local and regional mutual aid and other local responses. Amarillo must agree to mobilize the engine with qualified personnel when called by TIFMAS. The equipment will be purchased by TIFMAS and delivered to Amarillo.
G. Approval - Change Orders 2, 5, and 6 for Water and Sewer Relocations for TXDOT Loop 335 Expansion Project - Phase III:
Original Contract: $2,095,953.00
Prior Change Orders: 0.00
Change Order #2: 15,610.00
Change Order #5 7,500.00
Change Order #6 35,890.00
Total Change Orders 59,000.00
Revised Contract: $2,111,563.00
Net Increase: 2.8%
Overview: This item approves three change orders to the construction contract with Amarillo Utility Contractors for the relocation of water and sewer mains within the Texas Department of Transportation Right of Way along Loop 335. The change orders allowed for realignment of the both water and sanitary sewer mains to avoid a 5' diameter Xcel transmission pole. Additionally, TCEQ regulations require a manhole at a change of direction of a sanitary sewer. Funding is available in the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program budget.
H. Approval - Agreement for Engineering Services with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc.:
CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. -- $674,400.00
Overview: This item awards a contract for the design, bidding and construction services necessary to replace the 30" sanitary sewer line in the Hillside Estates Subdivision. CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. was identified as the most qualified firms following evaluation of responses received to RFQ #01-15. Funding for this contract is available in the Utilities Sewer and Water E&I accounts.
I. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Section 26 and 43, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Potter County, for placement of signs on Wallace Boulevard, Hagy Boulevard and a 20' public sanitary sewer easement.
J. Award - Airport Parking Management and Operation Contract:
Award to best evaluated proposer - Republic Parking Systems
Fee - $123,600 per year for 3 years ($370,800) with two optional one-year extensions at $123,600 each
Overview: This item awards a contract to manage and operate the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport Parking system. The proposed agreement will increase the customer service, parking management and technology for the parking system. Under the terms of the agreement, the Airport will pay the management fee noted above plus agreed upon operational expenses. The annual net revenue to the airport is projected to be the same or slightly increased as a result of the agreement.