A. Award - Electric Golf Carts for Ross Rogers Golf Course:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Club Car, LLC. North Texas Branch - $93,621.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 30 electric golf carts for use at the Ross Rogers Golf Course. This is a BuyBoard purchase which allows uniformity of the cart fleet for maintenance and a quicker delivery. This is a scheduled replacement of equipment. The net unit price has increased 13% since the last purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.
B. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Central Poly Corporation -- $83,475.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Collection Department. Bags are provided to residential solid waste customers located on hand-trash pickup routes. This purchase is for 105,000 pounds of bags that will supply customers for one year. The price reflects a 7.43% increase from last year's purchase. Funding for this purchase is available in the current Solid Waste Department operating budget.
C. Purchase - SCADA Software:
Award to sole source: Rexel, Inc. -- $72,650.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to upgrade and integrate the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The SCADA system provides the necessary communications with remote units to allow monitoring and control of the well fields, pump stations and the treatment plant. Funding for the project is available in the approved SCADA Upgrade and Integration Capital Improvement Project budget.
D. Approval - Professional Services Agreement:
Blackridge - $120,000 annually
Overview: This item is the approval of a professional services agreement to provide Austin, Texas based legislative consulting services to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is proposed for a 12-month period at the rate of $10,000 per month and is based on satisfactory representation of the City since 2006. Blackridge and its principals have represented and assisted the City before the Texas Legislature and numerous state agencies. The proposed agreement is for a one-year term with up to two, one-year renewals at the same price. The contract price has remained the same since December, 2011.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Plemons and Glidden & Sanborn Addition, in Sections 169 and 170, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, for placement of conduit for fiber optic cable under the Southeast 6th Avenue right-of-way and under City of Amarillo property.
A. Award - Electric Golf Carts for Ross Rogers Golf Course:
Award to lowest responsive bidders as follows:
Club Car, LLC. North Texas Branch - $93,621.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 30 electric golf carts for use at the Ross Rogers Golf Course. This is a BuyBoard purchase which allows uniformity of the cart fleet for maintenance and a quicker delivery. This is a scheduled replacement of equipment. The net unit price has increased 13% since the last purchase in 2013. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage Machinery budget.
B. Purchase - Residential Solid Waste Refuse Bags:
Award to low responsive bidder: Central Poly Corporation -- $83,475.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of refuse bags used by the Solid Waste Collection Department. Bags are provided to residential solid waste customers located on hand-trash pickup routes. This purchase is for 105,000 pounds of bags that will supply customers for one year. The price reflects a 7.43% increase from last year's purchase. Funding for this purchase is available in the current Solid Waste Department operating budget.
C. Purchase - SCADA Software:
Award to sole source: Rexel, Inc. -- $72,650.00
Overview: This item awards a contract to upgrade and integrate the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The SCADA system provides the necessary communications with remote units to allow monitoring and control of the well fields, pump stations and the treatment plant. Funding for the project is available in the approved SCADA Upgrade and Integration Capital Improvement Project budget.
D. Approval - Professional Services Agreement:
Blackridge - $120,000 annually
Overview: This item is the approval of a professional services agreement to provide Austin, Texas based legislative consulting services to the City of Amarillo. The agreement is proposed for a 12-month period at the rate of $10,000 per month and is based on satisfactory representation of the City since 2006. Blackridge and its principals have represented and assisted the City before the Texas Legislature and numerous state agencies. The proposed agreement is for a one-year term with up to two, one-year renewals at the same price. The contract price has remained the same since December, 2011.
E. Approval - License and Hold Harmless Agreement:
Overview: License and Hold Harmless Agreement for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Plemons and Glidden & Sanborn Addition, in Sections 169 and 170, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, for placement of conduit for fiber optic cable under the Southeast 6th Avenue right-of-way and under City of Amarillo property.