A. Purchase - Groundwater Rights - Roberts and Ochiltree Counties:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Mc Cattle Company and M&D McLain Family LP
Property: Approximately 5,020 acres +/-
Estimated Purchase Price: $1,506,000
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item is the purchase contract for approximately 5,020 acres +/- of groundwater rights located in Roberts and Ochiltree Counties. These groundwater rights are located in and among existing groundwater rights owned by the City and will provide both additional water for the future of Amarillo and for future regulatory compliance. The final purchase price will be based on the actual amount of water (saturated thickness) available as determined by a licensed hydrologist in accordance with the negotiated terms of the contract. The purchase includes the necessary easement rights for future development of the groundwater rights. Funding for this purchase is available from the City's Water Rights Account.
B. Approval - Agreement for Hydrological Engineering Services:
Lee Wilson & Associates, Inc.
Maximum not to exceed fee of -- $116,437.00
Overview: This agreement shall provide for Hydrological Engineering Services associated with the investigation of certain areas of Roberts and Ochiltree Counties subject to the purchase contract above to assess quantity and quality of groundwater occurring under the indicated sections of land. Funding for the contract is available from the City Water Rights Account.
C. Award - Georgia Street Interceptor
Award to low responsive bidder: Spiess Construction Co. Inc. -- $4,889,331.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the extension of the existing 42 inch sewer line in Georgia Street from south of Wolflin Avenue to Southwest 26th Avenue and the removal and installation of a 36 inch sewer line in Southwest 28th Avenue from Wimberly Road to Crockett Street. The Engineer's estimate of the project cost was $8,426,000. This is a new wastewater collection project and is funded from a grant and loan from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
D. Award - Fire Hydrant Annual Supply Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: K W Sharp, Inc. -- $67,980.00
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of fire hydrants. The proposed supply contract is for fifty (50) hydrants, which will be used both for system expansion and for replacement of non-serviceable units. The bid price is a 1.82% increase from last year. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2015-16 Central Stores Department Operating budget.
E. Approval -Traffic Signal Installation Participation Agreement:
Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
Overview: This item approves a traffic signal installation participation agreement with Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust for the design and installation of a new traffic signal on Coulter Street at Arden Road. Wal-Mart will fund the construction costs 70%/30% with the City, plus Wal-Mart will pay for the signal design costs. Wal-Mart's commitment is limited to $125,000.00.
A. Purchase - Groundwater Rights - Roberts and Ochiltree Counties:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Mc Cattle Company and M&D McLain Family LP
Property: Approximately 5,020 acres +/-
Estimated Purchase Price: $1,506,000
Terms and Conditions: As Noted
Overview: This item is the purchase contract for approximately 5,020 acres +/- of groundwater rights located in Roberts and Ochiltree Counties. These groundwater rights are located in and among existing groundwater rights owned by the City and will provide both additional water for the future of Amarillo and for future regulatory compliance. The final purchase price will be based on the actual amount of water (saturated thickness) available as determined by a licensed hydrologist in accordance with the negotiated terms of the contract. The purchase includes the necessary easement rights for future development of the groundwater rights. Funding for this purchase is available from the City's Water Rights Account.
B. Approval - Agreement for Hydrological Engineering Services:
Lee Wilson & Associates, Inc.
Maximum not to exceed fee of -- $116,437.00
Overview: This agreement shall provide for Hydrological Engineering Services associated with the investigation of certain areas of Roberts and Ochiltree Counties subject to the purchase contract above to assess quantity and quality of groundwater occurring under the indicated sections of land. Funding for the contract is available from the City Water Rights Account.
C. Award - Georgia Street Interceptor
Award to low responsive bidder: Spiess Construction Co. Inc. -- $4,889,331.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the extension of the existing 42 inch sewer line in Georgia Street from south of Wolflin Avenue to Southwest 26th Avenue and the removal and installation of a 36 inch sewer line in Southwest 28th Avenue from Wimberly Road to Crockett Street. The Engineer's estimate of the project cost was $8,426,000. This is a new wastewater collection project and is funded from a grant and loan from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
D. Award - Fire Hydrant Annual Supply Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: K W Sharp, Inc. -- $67,980.00
Overview: This item is the annual purchase of fire hydrants. The proposed supply contract is for fifty (50) hydrants, which will be used both for system expansion and for replacement of non-serviceable units. The bid price is a 1.82% increase from last year. Funding for this purchase is in the approved FY 2015-16 Central Stores Department Operating budget.
E. Approval -Traffic Signal Installation Participation Agreement:
Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
Overview: This item approves a traffic signal installation participation agreement with Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust for the design and installation of a new traffic signal on Coulter Street at Arden Road. Wal-Mart will fund the construction costs 70%/30% with the City, plus Wal-Mart will pay for the signal design costs. Wal-Mart's commitment is limited to $125,000.00.