A. Award - Water Main Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors - $230,611.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the installation of a twenty (20) inch water main in Pullman Road under Interstate 40 East. The project will install 2,000 feet water line and a fire line tap for an adjacent property. Funding for this project is available from owner participation and the approved 2014-15 Capital Improvements Program for water main expansion and improvements.
B. Approval - Five Year On-Call Engineering and Architectural Services:
Best Evaluated Statement for Qualifications: RS&H, Inc - $217,500.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for engineering and architectural consulting services for potential capital projects at the Rick Husband International Airport. The term of the agreement will be December 2014 through December 2019. The scope of work is anticipated to involve the expansion and improvement of runways, taxiways, aprons and commercial airport facilities. Funding for the contract is available from the Airport Department's annual operating budget and funded through FFA Entitlement grants.
C. Approval - Car Rental Concession Agreements Amendment 2:
Overview: This item approves an amendment to each concession agreement with the car rental companies operating at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. With the completion of the Consolidated Rental Car Service Center (CONRAC), the amendment provides for car rental companies to purchase fuel from the CONRAC and establishes a flowage fee of $0.09 per gallon for fuel pumped into such vehicles. The amendment has been accepted by each company as follows:
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
EAN Holdings, LLC, dba Enterprise Rent-a-Car
EAN Holdins, LLC, dba National Car Rental
The Hertz Corporation
D. Approval - City of Amarillo Group Health Plan - 2015:
Overview: This item approves the City of Amarillo Health Group Plan Summary Plan Description (plan document) and the related updates and changes for the 2015 plan year. This plan document governs the use and administration of the Plan for the 2015 year for all employees and other covered lives.
E. Approval - Renewal Acute Care Hospital Services Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Overview: This item is the renewal for an additional year of the agreement between the City and Northwest Texas Healthcare System for acute care hospital services for the City Group Health Plan. This renewal is contemplated in the original agreement and will run from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. The renewal incorporates minor adjustments as noted and does include a waiver of the 3% escalator in overall charges.
A. Award - Water Main Improvements:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Utility Contractors - $230,611.00
Overview: This item awards a construction contract for the installation of a twenty (20) inch water main in Pullman Road under Interstate 40 East. The project will install 2,000 feet water line and a fire line tap for an adjacent property. Funding for this project is available from owner participation and the approved 2014-15 Capital Improvements Program for water main expansion and improvements.
B. Approval - Five Year On-Call Engineering and Architectural Services:
Best Evaluated Statement for Qualifications: RS&H, Inc - $217,500.00
Overview: This item approves a contract for engineering and architectural consulting services for potential capital projects at the Rick Husband International Airport. The term of the agreement will be December 2014 through December 2019. The scope of work is anticipated to involve the expansion and improvement of runways, taxiways, aprons and commercial airport facilities. Funding for the contract is available from the Airport Department's annual operating budget and funded through FFA Entitlement grants.
C. Approval - Car Rental Concession Agreements Amendment 2:
Overview: This item approves an amendment to each concession agreement with the car rental companies operating at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport. With the completion of the Consolidated Rental Car Service Center (CONRAC), the amendment provides for car rental companies to purchase fuel from the CONRAC and establishes a flowage fee of $0.09 per gallon for fuel pumped into such vehicles. The amendment has been accepted by each company as follows:
Avis Rent A Car System, LLC
EAN Holdings, LLC, dba Enterprise Rent-a-Car
EAN Holdins, LLC, dba National Car Rental
The Hertz Corporation
D. Approval - City of Amarillo Group Health Plan - 2015:
Overview: This item approves the City of Amarillo Health Group Plan Summary Plan Description (plan document) and the related updates and changes for the 2015 plan year. This plan document governs the use and administration of the Plan for the 2015 year for all employees and other covered lives.
E. Approval - Renewal Acute Care Hospital Services Agreement:
Parties: City of Amarillo and Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Overview: This item is the renewal for an additional year of the agreement between the City and Northwest Texas Healthcare System for acute care hospital services for the City Group Health Plan. This renewal is contemplated in the original agreement and will run from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. The renewal incorporates minor adjustments as noted and does include a waiver of the 3% escalator in overall charges.