A. Purchase - Civic Center Arena Football Turf:
Award to UBU Sports on TexBuy Contract -- $173,053.20
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of artificial football turf for the Amarillo Civic Center Coliseum. This turf will replace the original turf that was damaged in the July, 2014 Civic Center flood events. Funding for this purchase is from the FM Global Insurance Settlement.
B. Purchase - Electromagnetic Flow Meters with Mounting Kits:
Award to Sole Bidder Endress Hauser C/O Vector Controls and Automation -- $56,701.92
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 24 electromagnetic flow meters for use in the Southwest Well Field. This purchase is an addition to similar meters currently in use. Funding for the purchase is in the approved Water Production Department budget.
C. Award - Public Health Department Annual Vaccine Contract:
Award to MMCAP Purchasing Co-op - Estimated Amount $408,143.80
This item approves an annual vaccine contract through the MMCAP purchasing cooperative for the purchase of vaccines used in the Refugee Health Program and the Adult Immunization Project. Funding for this Public Health specific purchase is through the Refugee Health grant the Amarillo Hospital District DSRIP Program. These vaccines support the ongoing requirements of the Refugee Health Program and the Adult Immunization Project.
D. Approval - Addendum No. 1 for Professional Services:
Downtown Amarillo, Inc. -- $290,856.00
Overview: This item approves an addendum to the existing professional services agreement between the City of Amarillo and Downtown Amarillo, Inc. (DAI). This addendum specifically enables to contract for services involved in making application under the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The specific scope of services include planning and design/engineering services for the potential redevelopment of portions of Polk Street and 6th Avenue to enhance the streetscape, sidewalks, bicycle facilities and related improvements. Funding for this addendum is from the General Construction Reserve fund.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.
A. Purchase - Civic Center Arena Football Turf:
Award to UBU Sports on TexBuy Contract -- $173,053.20
Overview: This item awards a contract for the purchase of artificial football turf for the Amarillo Civic Center Coliseum. This turf will replace the original turf that was damaged in the July, 2014 Civic Center flood events. Funding for this purchase is from the FM Global Insurance Settlement.
B. Purchase - Electromagnetic Flow Meters with Mounting Kits:
Award to Sole Bidder Endress Hauser C/O Vector Controls and Automation -- $56,701.92
Overview: This item approves the purchase of 24 electromagnetic flow meters for use in the Southwest Well Field. This purchase is an addition to similar meters currently in use. Funding for the purchase is in the approved Water Production Department budget.
C. Award - Public Health Department Annual Vaccine Contract:
Award to MMCAP Purchasing Co-op - Estimated Amount $408,143.80
This item approves an annual vaccine contract through the MMCAP purchasing cooperative for the purchase of vaccines used in the Refugee Health Program and the Adult Immunization Project. Funding for this Public Health specific purchase is through the Refugee Health grant the Amarillo Hospital District DSRIP Program. These vaccines support the ongoing requirements of the Refugee Health Program and the Adult Immunization Project.
D. Approval - Addendum No. 1 for Professional Services:
Downtown Amarillo, Inc. -- $290,856.00
Overview: This item approves an addendum to the existing professional services agreement between the City of Amarillo and Downtown Amarillo, Inc. (DAI). This addendum specifically enables to contract for services involved in making application under the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The specific scope of services include planning and design/engineering services for the potential redevelopment of portions of Polk Street and 6th Avenue to enhance the streetscape, sidewalks, bicycle facilities and related improvements. Funding for this addendum is from the General Construction Reserve fund.
E. Sale - Property:
Sheriff Sale Property in Potter County.