A. Award - Library Materials Contract:
TXSmartBuy Contract #715-M2 -- $114,900.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract for the ongoing purchase of publications, print and multimedia materials for the Amarillo Public Library. The proposed contract offers improved categories and better range of discounts. Funding for the contract is available in the approved Amarillo Public Library operating budget.
B. Award - Elevator Car Door Upgrades:
Low responsive bidder: American Elevator Company, Inc. -- $62,600.00
Overview: The item awards a contract to upgrade the elevator doors at the Amarillo Police Department. The project includes new tracks, hangers, rollers, closures and interlocks. The estimated cost of the project was $60,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Award - Landfill Scales and Scalehouse Facility:
Low responsive bidder: Walkcon Ltd. - $742,772.43
Overview: This item awards a contract for the construction of a new building and installation of new weigh scales at the Amarillo Landfill. The estimated cost of the project was $720,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Acceptance - Contract for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services - $1,700,350.00
Overview: This item accepts an annual contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. The funding represents a $54,798 increase (3.2%) from the current contract. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments and referrals, and nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,050 participants per month.
E. Acceptance - Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program:
Agency: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) - $92,024.00
Overveiw: This item accepts the competitive grant award and funding contract for the City of Amarillo's Emergency Solutions Grant to assist with the provision of shelter, services and prevention to homeless persons and families in Amarillo. The following agencies will provide shelter and services:
Family Support Services
The Salvation Army
Shelter Operations
Emergency Shelter Operations
Homeless Prevention
Rapid Re-Housing
City of Amarillo
$ 5,204
F. Approval - Emergency Repair Contract:
Award to Amarillo Utility Contractors, Inc.- $125,500
Overview: This item approves an emergency repair contract to backfill an abandoned sanitary sewer line with flowable fill concrete and related items. This is required to support the ongoing TxDOT project to rebuild portions of the south loop as a controlled access section from the Interstate 27 intersection to the BNSF railroad overpass. Funding for the award is available in the FY 2014/2015 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.
A. Award - Library Materials Contract:
TXSmartBuy Contract #715-M2 -- $114,900.00
Overview: This item awards an annual contract for the ongoing purchase of publications, print and multimedia materials for the Amarillo Public Library. The proposed contract offers improved categories and better range of discounts. Funding for the contract is available in the approved Amarillo Public Library operating budget.
B. Award - Elevator Car Door Upgrades:
Low responsive bidder: American Elevator Company, Inc. -- $62,600.00
Overview: The item awards a contract to upgrade the elevator doors at the Amarillo Police Department. The project includes new tracks, hangers, rollers, closures and interlocks. The estimated cost of the project was $60,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved Capital Improvement Program budget.
C. Award - Landfill Scales and Scalehouse Facility:
Low responsive bidder: Walkcon Ltd. - $742,772.43
Overview: This item awards a contract for the construction of a new building and installation of new weigh scales at the Amarillo Landfill. The estimated cost of the project was $720,000. Funding for the project is available in the approved FY 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program budget.
D. Acceptance - Contract for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program:
Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services - $1,700,350.00
Overview: This item accepts an annual contract for the City of Amarillo's Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. The funding represents a $54,798 increase (3.2%) from the current contract. WIC provides supplemental nutritious foods, health assessments and referrals, and nutrition and breastfeeding education services in Potter, Randall, Armstrong, Carson and Oldham Counties. The program currently assists an average of 8,050 participants per month.
E. Acceptance - Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program:
Agency: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) - $92,024.00
Overveiw: This item accepts the competitive grant award and funding contract for the City of Amarillo's Emergency Solutions Grant to assist with the provision of shelter, services and prevention to homeless persons and families in Amarillo. The following agencies will provide shelter and services:
Family Support Services
The Salvation Army
Shelter Operations
Emergency Shelter Operations
Homeless Prevention
Rapid Re-Housing
City of Amarillo
$ 5,204
F. Approval - Emergency Repair Contract:
Award to Amarillo Utility Contractors, Inc.- $125,500
Overview: This item approves an emergency repair contract to backfill an abandoned sanitary sewer line with flowable fill concrete and related items. This is required to support the ongoing TxDOT project to rebuild portions of the south loop as a controlled access section from the Interstate 27 intersection to the BNSF railroad overpass. Funding for the award is available in the FY 2014/2015 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Program Budget.