A. Award - Civic Center Flooring Repairs:
Award on TXMAS State Contract to: LVR Carpet of Lubbock -- $50,558.67
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of carpet and tile in the Amarillo Civic Center affected by the recent flood. These areas include dressing rooms, team locker rooms, and the Auditorium. Funding for the replacement is available from the FM Global Insurance settlement.
B. Award - Annual Supply Agreement for Clamps:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Power Seal Pipeline Products $53,840.42
Lines 1-9, 16-27
Western Industrial Supply $27,676.80
Lines 10-15, 33-35 38,42-44
KW Sharp, Inc. $11,700.00
Lines 28-32
HD Supply Waterworks $2,140.50
Lines 36,37,39,41
Total Award $95,357.72
Overview: This item awards the annual supply contracts for a variety of pipeline-type clamps maintained in Central Stores for various departments. The prices represent an overall 4.09% decrease from last year's supply contract prices. Funding for the purchases is available in approved Central Stores inventory account.
C. Award - Traffic Signal Controllers:
Texas Highway Products, LTD -- $54,275.00
Overview: This item awards a contract from the Texas Smart Buy Contract 550-A2 to replace 16 traffic controllers for signalized intersections which have reached their useful life. Funding for the replacements is available from the 2013-2014 Traffic Signal maintenance and Field Operations budgets.
D. Approval - Office Furniture Annual Supply Contract:
Hon Office Products through OfficeWise -- $250,000.00
Overview: This item approves a non-exclusive contract from the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) #R4982 for office furniture for various departments and offices. The estimated annual expenditure is $250,000. The contract term is for one-year. Funding for purchases is available in the individual departmental FY 2014-2015 operating budgets.
A. Award - Civic Center Flooring Repairs:
Award on TXMAS State Contract to: LVR Carpet of Lubbock -- $50,558.67
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of carpet and tile in the Amarillo Civic Center affected by the recent flood. These areas include dressing rooms, team locker rooms, and the Auditorium. Funding for the replacement is available from the FM Global Insurance settlement.
B. Award - Annual Supply Agreement for Clamps:
Award by line item to low responsive bidders as follows:
Power Seal Pipeline Products $53,840.42
Lines 1-9, 16-27
Western Industrial Supply $27,676.80
Lines 10-15, 33-35 38,42-44
KW Sharp, Inc. $11,700.00
Lines 28-32
HD Supply Waterworks $2,140.50
Lines 36,37,39,41
Total Award $95,357.72
Overview: This item awards the annual supply contracts for a variety of pipeline-type clamps maintained in Central Stores for various departments. The prices represent an overall 4.09% decrease from last year's supply contract prices. Funding for the purchases is available in approved Central Stores inventory account.
C. Award - Traffic Signal Controllers:
Texas Highway Products, LTD -- $54,275.00
Overview: This item awards a contract from the Texas Smart Buy Contract 550-A2 to replace 16 traffic controllers for signalized intersections which have reached their useful life. Funding for the replacements is available from the 2013-2014 Traffic Signal maintenance and Field Operations budgets.
D. Approval - Office Furniture Annual Supply Contract:
Hon Office Products through OfficeWise -- $250,000.00
Overview: This item approves a non-exclusive contract from the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) #R4982 for office furniture for various departments and offices. The estimated annual expenditure is $250,000. The contract term is for one-year. Funding for purchases is available in the individual departmental FY 2014-2015 operating budgets.