A. Acceptance - Emergency Management Performance Grant Award:
Grant Amount: $90,462.15
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety
Overview: This item accepts the notice of grant award extending the current Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) through March 2015. Funds from this grant program are used to support the on-going program of preparedness services provided by the Office of Emergency Management to the residents of the City of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties.
B. Acceptance - Homeland Security Grant Program Award:
Grant Amount: $132,079
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety
Overview: This item accepts the Sub-Recipient Award from the Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency for September 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016. Two projects are funded under this award:
$67,079 -- Consulting services for the next generation radio system
$65,000 -- Amarillo Regional Bomb Squad equipment enhancements
C. Approval - Redi-Mix Concrete Annual Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Thomas Redi-Mix Company, Inc. -- $207,453.75
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to provide redi-mix concrete to various departments, which include Streets, Traffic Field, Park Field, Water Distribution and Drainage Utility. The contract is for approximately 2,080 cubic yards of various types of concrete and the associated expansion joint material. Material is ordered as-needed and delivered to appropriate department for maintenance, repair and construction projects. The bid price is a 4.5% increase from last year's contract. Funding is available in the approved operating budgets of the various departments.
Comments from interested citizens on matters pertaining to City policies, programs or services.
A. Acceptance - Emergency Management Performance Grant Award:
Grant Amount: $90,462.15
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety
Overview: This item accepts the notice of grant award extending the current Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) through March 2015. Funds from this grant program are used to support the on-going program of preparedness services provided by the Office of Emergency Management to the residents of the City of Amarillo and both Potter and Randall Counties.
B. Acceptance - Homeland Security Grant Program Award:
Grant Amount: $132,079
Grantor: Texas Department of Public Safety
Overview: This item accepts the Sub-Recipient Award from the Texas Homeland Security State Administrative Agency for September 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016. Two projects are funded under this award:
$67,079 -- Consulting services for the next generation radio system
$65,000 -- Amarillo Regional Bomb Squad equipment enhancements
C. Approval - Redi-Mix Concrete Annual Supply Agreement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Thomas Redi-Mix Company, Inc. -- $207,453.75
Overview: This item awards the annual contract to provide redi-mix concrete to various departments, which include Streets, Traffic Field, Park Field, Water Distribution and Drainage Utility. The contract is for approximately 2,080 cubic yards of various types of concrete and the associated expansion joint material. Material is ordered as-needed and delivered to appropriate department for maintenance, repair and construction projects. The bid price is a 4.5% increase from last year's contract. Funding is available in the approved operating budgets of the various departments.
Comments from interested citizens on matters pertaining to City policies, programs or services.