A. Approval - Amendment #5 to Pantex Agreement in Principle (AIP) Agreement:
Granting Agency: State Energy Conservation Office
Overview: This item approves the fifth (5th) amendment to the Agreement in Principle (AIP) contract with the State Energy Conservation Office. The AIP provides funding to the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide ongoing planning, coordination and response efforts related to the activities at the Pantex Plant. A portion of the funding will provide for hazardous materials training for the Amarillo Fire Department. This amendment carries over $34,383.42 funding from FY2013 and 2014, and provides new funding of $123,440.00 for FY2015.
B. Approval - Agreement for Services with Center City of Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the preservation, improvement and revitalization of the Central Business District of Amarillo. Two sources of funding are included in the agreement:
C. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:,
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.
D. Approval - Continuum of Care Grant Agreements:
Granting Agency: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2013 Continuum of Care Program Grants -- $765,026.00
Overview: This item approves the FY 2013 Continuum of Care grant agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the continuation of the following programs:
Shelter Plus Care -- $362,520
Provides rental assistance to homeless persons with disabilities and their families, primarily, those with serious mental illness or chronic problems with alcohol or drugs. Case management is provided by Texas Panhandle Services.
Transitional Housing -- $311,418
Provides rental assistance to homeless families with children referred from shelters and community agencies. Supportive services and case management is provided by Downtown Women's Center.
E. Approval - Agreement for Construction Services:
Suddenlink Communications -- $139,900.00
Overview: This item approves a fixed price agreement with Suddenlink Communications for the relocation of existing and installation of additional fiber optic and other communication lines between City facilities in downtown Amarillo. This project will provide for the relocation of lines necessary for the downtown projects and also install additional lines necessary to provide redundant communication paths for critical City facilities in the area. Funding for this project is available in the approved downtown utility relocation Capital Improvement Program projects.
F. Approval - Office Supplies Annual Supply Agreement:
Officewise Furniture and Supply, Inc.
Region 16 Tex-Buy Contract #014-001 -- $275,000.00
Overview: This item approves a non-exclusive annual contract to provide and deliver office supplies for use by various City Departments. The contract term is for one-year with the option for three (3) one-year renewals. This agreement is estimated at $275,000 which is a savings of 11.4% over the last contract.
G. Award - Civic Center Carpet Replacement in Heritage Room:
LVR Carpet of Lubbock - $196,563.64
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the original carpet in the Heritage Room of the Amarillo Civic Center. This purchase is based on pricing in the TXMAS State Contract #13-72020-21. The carpet was installed as part of the 2003 Civic Center expansion. The contract cost is 2% less than budget estimate. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Civic Center Capital Improvement Program for carpet replacement.
H. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 3,570 feet MSL above the plat of Freeman Subdivision Unit No. 4, in Section 74, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, from Robert Keys.
A. Approval - Amendment #5 to Pantex Agreement in Principle (AIP) Agreement:
Granting Agency: State Energy Conservation Office
Overview: This item approves the fifth (5th) amendment to the Agreement in Principle (AIP) contract with the State Energy Conservation Office. The AIP provides funding to the City's Office of Emergency Management to provide ongoing planning, coordination and response efforts related to the activities at the Pantex Plant. A portion of the funding will provide for hazardous materials training for the Amarillo Fire Department. This amendment carries over $34,383.42 funding from FY2013 and 2014, and provides new funding of $123,440.00 for FY2015.
B. Approval - Agreement for Services with Center City of Amarillo, Inc.:
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Center City of Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the preservation, improvement and revitalization of the Central Business District of Amarillo. Two sources of funding are included in the agreement:
C. Approval - Agreement for Services with Downtown Amarillo, Inc.:,
Overview: This item approves a one (1) year agreement with Downtown Amarillo, Inc. for services associated with the implementation of the approved Downtown Amarillo Strategic Action Plan, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 (TIRZ) Project and Financing Plan, and the Civic Center Area Redevelopment Plan for the revitalization of downtown Amarillo. In consideration for these services, the City of Amarillo is to provide $276,298 in total funding.
D. Approval - Continuum of Care Grant Agreements:
Granting Agency: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2013 Continuum of Care Program Grants -- $765,026.00
Overview: This item approves the FY 2013 Continuum of Care grant agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the continuation of the following programs:
Shelter Plus Care -- $362,520
Provides rental assistance to homeless persons with disabilities and their families, primarily, those with serious mental illness or chronic problems with alcohol or drugs. Case management is provided by Texas Panhandle Services.
Transitional Housing -- $311,418
Provides rental assistance to homeless families with children referred from shelters and community agencies. Supportive services and case management is provided by Downtown Women's Center.
E. Approval - Agreement for Construction Services:
Suddenlink Communications -- $139,900.00
Overview: This item approves a fixed price agreement with Suddenlink Communications for the relocation of existing and installation of additional fiber optic and other communication lines between City facilities in downtown Amarillo. This project will provide for the relocation of lines necessary for the downtown projects and also install additional lines necessary to provide redundant communication paths for critical City facilities in the area. Funding for this project is available in the approved downtown utility relocation Capital Improvement Program projects.
F. Approval - Office Supplies Annual Supply Agreement:
Officewise Furniture and Supply, Inc.
Region 16 Tex-Buy Contract #014-001 -- $275,000.00
Overview: This item approves a non-exclusive annual contract to provide and deliver office supplies for use by various City Departments. The contract term is for one-year with the option for three (3) one-year renewals. This agreement is estimated at $275,000 which is a savings of 11.4% over the last contract.
G. Award - Civic Center Carpet Replacement in Heritage Room:
LVR Carpet of Lubbock - $196,563.64
Overview: This item awards a contract for the replacement of the original carpet in the Heritage Room of the Amarillo Civic Center. This purchase is based on pricing in the TXMAS State Contract #13-72020-21. The carpet was installed as part of the 2003 Civic Center expansion. The contract cost is 2% less than budget estimate. Funding for the purchase is available in the approved Civic Center Capital Improvement Program for carpet replacement.
H. Approval - Aviation Clear Zone Easement:
Overview: Aviation Clear Zone Easement being 3,570 feet MSL above the plat of Freeman Subdivision Unit No. 4, in Section 74, Block 2, AB&M Survey, Potter County, from Robert Keys.