A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Yellowhouse Machinery Company -- $57,969.00
This item approves the nonscheduled purchase of a used 2011 John Deere backhoe/loader for the City Landfill. This will replace an existing 1995 unit that has exceeded is usable life and is nonrepairable. The offered unit includes warranty as part of the bid price. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage General Machinery Fund.
B. Purchase - Dell Computer Hardware:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $52,524.29
This item approves the routine purchase of 2 Dell desktop computers, 12 Dell laptops, and 2 Dell PowerEdge servers as replacements for existing equipment which have been in service five or more years. Funding is available in the approved FY 2014 Information Technology Department budget.
C. Purchase - Office Filing System Equipment:
Award on TXMASS Purchasing Contract #12-36010 to Improve Group -- $164,287.35
This item approves the purchase of four (4) Hanel Office Rotomat Filing Machines for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program. The purchase replaces existing 2003 equipment that is no longer serviceable as the manufacturer is no longer in business. The overall cost difference is 10% higher than the 2003 purchase. Funding for the equipment is available from current WIC grant contracts.
D. Award - Heavy Trucks:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Truck Center -- $704,740.00
This item approves the purchase of five (5) 25-yard sideloader refuse trucks for the Solid Waste Collection Department. The budgeted purchases are replacements for four (4) vehicles that have reached or exceeded the useable lifespan and one (1) budgeted additional vehicle. This overall bid represents a 4.5% increase from the 2012 purchase of similar equipment. Funding for this award is available in the approved Municipal Garage fund budget.
E. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services - $208,533.00
This item awards a contract to replace the deteriorating concrete floor surface and grout of the east sedimentation basin at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The project cost is 35.9% less than the estimated cost. Funding for the award is available in the approved 2014 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budget.
F. Award - Amarillo Civic Center Boiler and Pump Replacement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Plains Plumbing Company, LLC -- $106,467.00
This item awards a contract for the removal of nine (9) boilers and pumps and the installation of seven (7) new boilers and circulating pumps at the Amarillo Civic Center. The replacement is the result of flood damage to the Amarillo Civic Center. Funding for the removal and replacement work will be from the FM Global Insurance claim process.
G. Acceptance - MEND Childhood Obesity Prevention Project Grant:
Grantor: Harrington Cancer Foundation -- $275,000.00
Grantee: City of Amarillo
This item approves a grant funding agreement with the Harrington Cancer Foundation for a three-year program to reduce childhood obesity. Using these grant funds, the Amarillo Department of Public Health and the Texas Tech Metabolic Clinic will provide the MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It) Program to approximately 700 children 7 to 13 years of age and their families over the three-year grant period.
A. Purchase - Heavy Equipment:
Overview: Award to low responsive bidder: Yellowhouse Machinery Company -- $57,969.00
This item approves the nonscheduled purchase of a used 2011 John Deere backhoe/loader for the City Landfill. This will replace an existing 1995 unit that has exceeded is usable life and is nonrepairable. The offered unit includes warranty as part of the bid price. Funding for this purchase is available in the Municipal Garage General Machinery Fund.
B. Purchase - Dell Computer Hardware:
Award on State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Cooperative Purchase Program to Dell Computers -- $52,524.29
This item approves the routine purchase of 2 Dell desktop computers, 12 Dell laptops, and 2 Dell PowerEdge servers as replacements for existing equipment which have been in service five or more years. Funding is available in the approved FY 2014 Information Technology Department budget.
C. Purchase - Office Filing System Equipment:
Award on TXMASS Purchasing Contract #12-36010 to Improve Group -- $164,287.35
This item approves the purchase of four (4) Hanel Office Rotomat Filing Machines for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program. The purchase replaces existing 2003 equipment that is no longer serviceable as the manufacturer is no longer in business. The overall cost difference is 10% higher than the 2003 purchase. Funding for the equipment is available from current WIC grant contracts.
D. Award - Heavy Trucks:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Truck Center -- $704,740.00
This item approves the purchase of five (5) 25-yard sideloader refuse trucks for the Solid Waste Collection Department. The budgeted purchases are replacements for four (4) vehicles that have reached or exceeded the useable lifespan and one (1) budgeted additional vehicle. This overall bid represents a 4.5% increase from the 2012 purchase of similar equipment. Funding for this award is available in the approved Municipal Garage fund budget.
E. Award - Osage Water Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation:
Award to low responsive bidder: Brown Construction Services - $208,533.00
This item awards a contract to replace the deteriorating concrete floor surface and grout of the east sedimentation basin at the Osage Water Treatment Plant. The project cost is 35.9% less than the estimated cost. Funding for the award is available in the approved 2014 Utilities Division Capital Improvement Project budget.
F. Award - Amarillo Civic Center Boiler and Pump Replacement:
Award to low responsive bidder: Plains Plumbing Company, LLC -- $106,467.00
This item awards a contract for the removal of nine (9) boilers and pumps and the installation of seven (7) new boilers and circulating pumps at the Amarillo Civic Center. The replacement is the result of flood damage to the Amarillo Civic Center. Funding for the removal and replacement work will be from the FM Global Insurance claim process.
G. Acceptance - MEND Childhood Obesity Prevention Project Grant:
Grantor: Harrington Cancer Foundation -- $275,000.00
Grantee: City of Amarillo
This item approves a grant funding agreement with the Harrington Cancer Foundation for a three-year program to reduce childhood obesity. Using these grant funds, the Amarillo Department of Public Health and the Texas Tech Metabolic Clinic will provide the MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It) Program to approximately 700 children 7 to 13 years of age and their families over the three-year grant period.