A. Award - Elevator Repairs at Amarillo Civic Center:
American Elevator Company, Inc. -- $68,268.00
This item awards a contract for repairs to the north elevator at the Amarillo Civic Center that was damaged during the flooding. The elevator is the only ADA accessible elevator to the auditorium. This contract is part of the insurance claim and has been reviewed and approved by FM Global Insurance.
B. Award - Water Diversion Improvement:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $85,899.88
The item awards a contract for the construction of a bulkhead to divert drainage water and prevent damage to site improvements at Fire Station #12 at 3198 Southwest 58th Avenue. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2013-2014 Capital Improvements Project.
C. Award - Flexible Aggregate Base Material Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Texas Sand & Gravel, Inc. -- $193,500.00
This item approves the annual supply contract for flexible aggregate base material. This material is used by the City Street Department in the maintenance and repair of unpaved streets and alleys. The contract will provide 15,000 tons of material to be purchased and delivered as-needed throughout the year. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Street Department repair and maintenance budget.
D. Acceptance - Consolidated Public Health Grant Awards:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,400,579.00
This item accepts the funding awards for seven grant programs for fiscal year 2014-2015 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health. The consolidated contracts represent an overall 2% decrease in funding from the current fiscal year. The following programs will be funded effective September 2014:
Refugee Health $479,321
Immunization $261,049
HIV Prevention $210,250
RLSS Local Public Health $111,744
Public Health Emergency Preparedness $245,122
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control - Federal $37,330
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control - State $55,763
E. Approval - Change Order #2 for Water and Sewer Relocations for TXDOT Loop 335 Expansion Project - Phase II:
Original Commitment: $1,557,651.46
Prior Increase Order: 49,793.81
Amendment #2: 75,825.00
Revised Contract Total: $1,683,270.27
Net Increase: 8.1%
This item approves a change order to the construction contract with MH Civil Constructors for the relocation of water and sewer mains within the Texas Department of Transportation Right of Way along Loop 335 from Interstate-27. The change order provides for use of alternative work to the originally planned pipebursting of the existing sanitary sewer mains due to conditions discovered during the process. TXDOT is expected to participate in this change order and reimburse 65% of the cost to the City.
F. Approval - Printing Services Contract:
Award to best-evaluated proposer: Zip Print -- $85,813.25
This item awards a contract for offset and digital printing services to the City of Amarillo. This contract will provide digital and offset printing services to multiple City Departments. The heaviest user departments include Accounting, Civic Center, Parks and Recreation, and the City Print Shop. The proposed contract is for one-year with four (4) one-year options to renew. Funding for the contract is available from the approved Departmental Operating Budgets.
A. Award - Elevator Repairs at Amarillo Civic Center:
American Elevator Company, Inc. -- $68,268.00
This item awards a contract for repairs to the north elevator at the Amarillo Civic Center that was damaged during the flooding. The elevator is the only ADA accessible elevator to the auditorium. This contract is part of the insurance claim and has been reviewed and approved by FM Global Insurance.
B. Award - Water Diversion Improvement:
Low responsive bidder: MH Civil Constructors, Inc. -- $85,899.88
The item awards a contract for the construction of a bulkhead to divert drainage water and prevent damage to site improvements at Fire Station #12 at 3198 Southwest 58th Avenue. Funding for the project is available from the approved 2013-2014 Capital Improvements Project.
C. Award - Flexible Aggregate Base Material Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: Texas Sand & Gravel, Inc. -- $193,500.00
This item approves the annual supply contract for flexible aggregate base material. This material is used by the City Street Department in the maintenance and repair of unpaved streets and alleys. The contract will provide 15,000 tons of material to be purchased and delivered as-needed throughout the year. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Street Department repair and maintenance budget.
D. Acceptance - Consolidated Public Health Grant Awards:
Texas Department of State Health Services -- $1,400,579.00
This item accepts the funding awards for seven grant programs for fiscal year 2014-2015 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for the Amarillo Department of Public Health. The consolidated contracts represent an overall 2% decrease in funding from the current fiscal year. The following programs will be funded effective September 2014:
Refugee Health $479,321
Immunization $261,049
HIV Prevention $210,250
RLSS Local Public Health $111,744
Public Health Emergency Preparedness $245,122
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control - Federal $37,330
Tuberculosis Prevention and Control - State $55,763
E. Approval - Change Order #2 for Water and Sewer Relocations for TXDOT Loop 335 Expansion Project - Phase II:
Original Commitment: $1,557,651.46
Prior Increase Order: 49,793.81
Amendment #2: 75,825.00
Revised Contract Total: $1,683,270.27
Net Increase: 8.1%
This item approves a change order to the construction contract with MH Civil Constructors for the relocation of water and sewer mains within the Texas Department of Transportation Right of Way along Loop 335 from Interstate-27. The change order provides for use of alternative work to the originally planned pipebursting of the existing sanitary sewer mains due to conditions discovered during the process. TXDOT is expected to participate in this change order and reimburse 65% of the cost to the City.
F. Approval - Printing Services Contract:
Award to best-evaluated proposer: Zip Print -- $85,813.25
This item awards a contract for offset and digital printing services to the City of Amarillo. This contract will provide digital and offset printing services to multiple City Departments. The heaviest user departments include Accounting, Civic Center, Parks and Recreation, and the City Print Shop. The proposed contract is for one-year with four (4) one-year options to renew. Funding for the contract is available from the approved Departmental Operating Budgets.