A. Award -- Rock Salt Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: New Mexico Salt & Minerals Corp. -- $69,000.00
Overview: This item awards the annual supply contract for rock salt used by the Street Department in de-icing streets and intersections. The proposed contract is for an estimated 1,000 tons of material which will be purchased and stored on an as-needed basis. The contract price is 3.775% greater than last year's contract price. Funding for this purchase is in the approved 2013-2014 Street Department operating budget.
B. Award - 40 Ton Capacity Trailer:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Truck Center -- $71,092.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 40 ton capacity trailer used by the Street Department. This overall bid represents a 36% increase from the last purchase in 2001. The 2001 model trailer has exceeded its useful life. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock budget.
A. Award -- Rock Salt Annual Contract:
Award to low responsive bidder: New Mexico Salt & Minerals Corp. -- $69,000.00
Overview: This item awards the annual supply contract for rock salt used by the Street Department in de-icing streets and intersections. The proposed contract is for an estimated 1,000 tons of material which will be purchased and stored on an as-needed basis. The contract price is 3.775% greater than last year's contract price. Funding for this purchase is in the approved 2013-2014 Street Department operating budget.
B. Award - 40 Ton Capacity Trailer:
Award to low responsive bidder: Amarillo Truck Center -- $71,092.00
Overview: This item approves the purchase of a 40 ton capacity trailer used by the Street Department. This overall bid represents a 36% increase from the last purchase in 2001. The 2001 model trailer has exceeded its useful life. Funding for this purchase is available in the approved Municipal Garage Rolling Stock budget.